Progressive Rock

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former MLO owner/operator
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Rancho Mirage, California
I'm a huge Yes fan... Was at a BBQ last year wearing a Yes T-shirt and from across the patio a guy saw the shirt and his eyes lit up and he made a beeline over to me and we began talking about Yes and prog-rock in general... He asked if I was a fan of King Crimson... I honestly told him that I've never listened to them AT ALL - heard of them, of course, but never have heard their music.

So, long story short, we met up for lunch recently and he loaned me Larks' Tongues in Aspic.

I went home.. put it on... HOLY SH!T... Sat there and listened to it from start to finish... HOLY ****! How did I never hear this before now?!?!?

I listened to it 3 times in one afternoon... totally mesmerized...

WOW. Now I wanna hear more.... These TWO are next on my list. Any other suggestions???
Tom, I think "In the Court of the Chrimson King" is considered one of their seminal works. I've got a MoFi pressing that is quite good. I haven't listened to it in years, but your post just prompted me into mentally pulling out for my weekend playlist. I've heard "Starless and Bible Black" is also considered among their best. Guess I may need to score some acid or shroomies for the weekend too.
Ha ha, great minds. I've got Lizard and In The Court of the Crimson Court lined up for listening later, today. Lizard is vinyl and ITCOTCK is CD.
Make sure you get the Steve Wilson remasters of the KK catalog, they are absolutely amazing. And even better if you get the DVD-Audio version, his 5.1 remixes are stellar (as allways).

Tip, a rare hidden gem of ProgRock is a band called Riverside, check out their latest couple of albums. The band leader also has a side project called Lunatic Soul that is also incredibly good.