Prodigy transformer specs

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2018
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Does anyone know the specs for the 2 transformers in the Prodigy chassis? I have a panel imbalance between the speakers and I'd like to test them. Any info is appreciated.

Are the panels relatively new and having this issue? My old original Prodigy panels had a noticeable difference in sound output, I think it was about 5 dB. Once I got new panels the problem went away. Now the setting on my receiver has a difference of only .5 dB when set by Audyssey, and I think that's just the nature of my room.
It's a common problem for older panels I believe.
My panels are relatively new and used to measure nearly identically left and right using REW. Now one side is softer and after swapping panels it looks like it's the electronics.
My panels are relatively new and used to measure nearly identically left and right using REW. Now one side is softer and after swapping panels it looks like it's the electronics.
Do you think it was a gradual thing where the output dropped slowly over time or was it more of an overnight thing?
Does anyone know the specs for the 2 transformers in the Prodigy chassis? I have a panel imbalance between the speakers and I'd like to test them. Any info is appreciated.

View attachment 24328
Hello to all. My name is Tom. I have owned Monolith iii's, Sequel 2's, Quests, Odyssey's and Ascent i. My current speakers are Prodigy's and I have a similar problem. I did order a set of new panels since they are over twenty years old. Brian at ML SERVICE sent me these files for troubleshooting. Hope this can help anyone.


  • Bias Voltage Check for ML Legacy Product_070115.pdf
    1.3 MB
  • Service_Manual_Prodigy.pdf
    662.5 KB
  • Martin-logan prodigy schematics rev 1.PDF
    49.4 KB
  • MartinLogan Bias Measurements.pdf
    122.2 KB
Hello to all. My name is Tom. I have owned Monolith iii's, Sequel 2's, Quests, Odyssey's and Ascent i. My current speakers are Prodigy's and I have a similar problem. I did order a set of new panels since they are over twenty years old. Brian at ML SERVICE sent me these files for troubleshooting. Hope this can help anyone.
Cool, nice to have those documents. Do you know the bias voltage for the Prodigy?

Is one of your Prodigy speakers having the same problem ie. the panel has much lower volume than the other? One of mine is 6-12dB lower than the other (starts above 250Hz which is the crossover point for the panel).
Cool, nice to have those documents. Do you know the bias voltage for the Prodigy?

Is one of your Prodigy speakers having the same problem ie. the panel has much lower volume than the other? One of mine is 6-12dB lower than the other (starts above 250Hz which is the crossover point for the panel).
My one panel is about 12db's down. I decided to change panels because of age. I have not done any measuring yet. I did wash the panels yesterday and the are drying as we speak. I also soldered two panel connections. I will post the process for both procedures in a day or so with results. I am going to swap the top half of the speaker assembly to see if the bad panel follows the dB loss.
I have swapped power supply boards and the problem remained with the speaker so for me it is not the PS board.
My recommendation was based on your previous post, so you should clarify more.
I actually have 3 PS boards. One from the "good" speaker, one from the problem speaker, and a spare I bought new from ML 4 years back. All 3 of them show the same problem when placed in the problem speaker so that is unlikely to be the issue.