There are a few threads on this site about Prodigy front woofers failing, and most owners replaced the woofers. Here are the original front woofers:
These are no longer available and ML recommends these as replacements, which have the same dimensions although slightly different specs Scanspeak Classic 25W/8565-00, 10" Woofer
Both of my front woofers recently failed and I took them to a speaker repair shop and they replaced the voice coil, similar to this video
Cost me about $60 each and seem work as good as before.
Before repair:
After repair (doesn't look the best but works fine):

These are no longer available and ML recommends these as replacements, which have the same dimensions although slightly different specs Scanspeak Classic 25W/8565-00, 10" Woofer
Both of my front woofers recently failed and I took them to a speaker repair shop and they replaced the voice coil, similar to this video
Cost me about $60 each and seem work as good as before.
Before repair:

After repair (doesn't look the best but works fine):