I would imagine that fully 80% or more of the speakers made today are ported, and I have not heard anyone complain that the bass on the Watt/Puppy's is slow or unclean.

Just my 2 cents.
Yet, there are people who do complain, and these are usually people coming from the sealed Magico Mini.
I think that a properly designed ported design vs a properly designed sealed cabinet design with all things equal, meaning the woofers are equal (in which the Aerius and the Vista arent) and the tune is the exact same and the crossovers are set the exact same way using the exact same board and caps/inductors, the sealed will win... which is what I think Raflars point is.
As for the market being 80% ported, it's just an easier way to get a lower tune, lower extension. It doesn't mean it's right, it's just what's popular and cost effective.
Why are almost none of the top end subwoofers ported... with exception of REL? The Descent isnt, the Wilson Benesch Torus infrasonic generator isnt, and the Velodyne 1812 isnt (nor are the DDs), the JL Audio Gotham and Fathom arent either...
Like Raflar, I'll take sealed over ported when all things are equal.
The Vistas may have better bass than the Aerius because:
1. Vistas have a more contemporary, and likely, better woofer.
2. The xo are set differently.
3. The two are tuned differently.
Just my 2 cents...
