Pandora now FREE with Squeezebox/Squeezenetwork

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
FYI... just stumbled upon this announcement that Pandora is now offering FREE access (ad supported) via Squeezebox/Squeezenetwork...

My annual subscription just ran out, and I was about to renew it. I just hope the ads don't get too annoying (as has happened with RadioIO). Pandora will still offer the $36 annual subscription for ad-free service.
Too bad Pandora anything (paid or otherwise) is not available at all in Australia (or any country outside the US)!
Too bad Pandora anything (paid or otherwise) is not available at all in Australia (or any country outside the US)!

Not for lack of them trying! Apparently, the damn RIAA or other entities refused to allow licensing outside of the U.S. However, I believe LastFM works worldwide (and is also Squeezebox compatible).
Not for lack of them trying! Apparently, the damn RIAA or other entities refused to allow licensing outside of the U.S. However, I believe LastFM works worldwide (and is also Squeezebox compatible).

I wish they'd take their dated business models and die a quiet death! Noone needs them any more - I guess that's what they're worried about!
I just wanted to post a plug for Pandora on the Squeezebox. I had never used it, but read a couple of discussions about Dead Can Dance coming out on SACD, and having never heard any Dead Can Dance, I got the free Pandora subscription, created a Dead Can Dance Station and it worked as advertised. I have now heard a few Dead Can Dance songs along with Enya and a few other interesting artists (haven't listened to more than about 40 minutes at this point) so I found it a great way to check out music from new artists so I can make an informed decision on buying a CD or SACD. So far most of the tracks have been from the Memento CD (which I have discovered is their greatest hits, duh!) so I will have to back track to find out which album they originally came from, but it still seems to be a good service.
