Got the Oppo BDP-83 today, and all I can say is WOW! Audio and video are both stunning! The build quality is much more solid than my Oppo 980H (which this replaces). I'm anxious to hear others opinions!
I got my Oppo yesterday and I agree that this is one awesome machine!
So I could get my wife and daughter to listen too, the first DVD I played was Celine Dion's New Day DVD. For fear of being banned from the forum, I shouldn't admit it, but I happen to like her music too, and this performance, which was her last in Vegas, is incredible . . . once you get past some of the "male" dancers
The very first thing I noticed, over my old 981 Oppo is the colors are much more vivid. The white's are really white and the rest of the colors just really are more vivid. This also allows for a lot more detail to show through. For example, when they show the audience, I can actually see individuals more defined, where as before it was too "dark". So the picture is a lot clearer in general. VERY noticeable!
Next, the automatic sizing to the screen puts things in proper proportion. Before I had to zoom the picture to 1.3 to get a larger picture, which cuts things off and evidently distorts the image. My wife commented Celine looks like she lost 20 pounds since the last concert! Now I see how it should be!
As far as the audio goes, I noticed much better base response right away. Also the separation of voices from each other is much more pronounced.
I'll give it some time to break in, but I also thought the overall sound was a bit "thicker/heavier" and a touch less transparent. My wife commented Celine "sounded an octave lower". Perhaps this was what I was thinking too.
On a bad note though, I have two complaints:
1. The power cord is VERY lose. I wanted to put a replacement cord on it, but I see it's only two prong. (I use all Signal Cable power cords).
2. I will probably send this unit back for a replacement as it actually rocks, and not in a good way. The feet won't stay level and I can rock the unit!

Even though I have three BDR pit/cone combinations under the unit, with a Shokti stone on top for good luck, I still feel the unit should be stable by itself. Could the case be warped or just the footers on wrong or not all the same size? I just think anyone who tested this unit should have seen it rocking when it was set down.
Other than that, it's a definite winner, and an improvement for my system.
By the way my system is: Summits, Cary SLP-03 pre amp, Sanders Sound System power amp, Kimber Hero IC's, Signal cable power cords, Shunyata Hydra 8 for the front end and a Hydra four for the power amp. Might use the other three outlets later. Two dedicated 20 amp outlets with PS audio receptacles. Various BDR pits/cones and like I mentioned, one Shokti stone for good luck

The whole thing is housed in a salamander triple. (I'm rethinking that one. I had a double and went to the triple. I think it messed up the transparency, but is WAF friendly. I'd like a single 20" high in the middle and a taller up and down unit off to the side. I'd like a couple of "plants" in between the Salamander single and each speaker. The base trapping variety. I can't recall the company just now. Not sure if that would be better or not. Some day . . .
Joe M.