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Active member
Mar 31, 2007
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Hello from Bangkok :haha1:

My nick is Chai, i'm just a typical music lover guy.. not a critical audiophile

About 3 years ago when I plan the functioning layout of my new home, a dedicated room for home theatre was on the plan. Originally, it was 80:20 HT:Music, HT was using market-grade Yamaha AV+Bose AcousticMass in 7.1 setup. Music was B&W 602S3 + Easy listening NAD352 feed by DVD Player Phillips Universal Player. I was quite happy with my setup, econimical and self-sufficient.

It alway started with a troublesome ear/bad luck/??? when I had a chance to listen to ML Aeon i at one of the Hi-Fi show about 2 years ago. Then my listening taste would never be the same again :eek: ... No matter how I change associated equipment, it just never right; it just have to be ML. Alas, once the right chance come, so I just gotta go with ML in my effortable range, Vista. So, here is where I am today.

My Current Setup
Digital Source: SlimDevice Squeezebox3 (Wired LAN,FLAC)
Digital Cable: COAX S/PDIF (can't remmeber brand ~200$)
Pre-amplifier: Stello DP200 (be both Pre & D/A)
Interconnect Cable: MIT Magnum M1 XLR
Power-amplifier: Ayre V3
Spkr Cable: MIT Avt3 Biwire
Spkr: MartinLogan Vista
Power Cable: Mixed VirtualDynamics PowerBasic/PowerThree
Room Size: 4mx7m with Diffuser/Roomtune

With current setup, HT:MUSIC is 20:80 and I'm quite pleasant with the overall sound representation. Exception was, I think the first note bass (my hobby is home audio recording playing keyboard/guitar, so quite familiar with instrument natural sound) just missing somehow. So, now I'm looking for alternate speaker cable, either MIT Shortgun S1 or Virtual Dynamic David. Now I'm audition VD David at home, hopefully this should be concluded soon (i hope).

And the journey continue. . . :musicnote:
The system...
it's not heavy, it's my vista!! :rocker:


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Hello Chai, and welcome !

So you want more bass, if I understand right ? Out of all the speaker cables I've tested, the Kimber 8 TC I'm using now proved to be the ones that gave the most bass. Maybe you can find a dealer willing to lend you some to try out. Otherwise, the obvious solution is a musical subwoofer, i.e. one from Martin Logan or Velodyne or REL...

Thank you very much for your "prompt" reply (about 3 mins after my post).
Regarding Kimber 8TC, how can it fit Biwire configuration? Ayre V3 only has 1 pair per channel and 2 pairs at ML Vista... So, cable should be 2 x (2->4)?
Regarding Kimber 8TC, how can it fit Biwire configuration? Ayre V3 only has 1 pair per channel and 2 pairs at ML Vista... So, cable should be 2 x (2->4)?

Chai, take it easy. Just borrow 1 run of cables. Try the following:

1) Kimber cable from amp to Vistas, put jumpers and forget a while about biwiring;

1a) keep the jumpers, put a run of Kimber from amp to 1 Vista and keep old cable on the other Vista;

1b) invert 1a) and see if there's a difference;

2) Kimber cable from amp to woofer, your old cable from amp to panels;

2a) invert the above and listen for a difference.
The guys before me got the bass question taken care of.....

I just wanted to stop by and say :welcome: and niiiice system, Chai! :cheers:
chai, nice system and welcome to the club. I have always wanted to hear an Ayre amp on MLs. I bet it sounds lovely.
Will seek some home trial for Kimber 8TC and let you know the result. Somehow, I think the network box that MIT spkr cable provided (breakout into High and Low output) might mismatched with ML internal crossover. I did test with VD David (just dual solid cores of spkr wires) for home trial and the bass now coming back with full bodies. Plan to try it with 8TC or AntiCable (subject to availability) -- just enough $$ to satisfy my ears. :D

Ayre is very musical Amp. But it does run really hot! Anyhow, I heard from dealer where I got Vista that spkr runs better with Krell Amplification product (FPB300cx). Might try it some time from now, but mean while, I'm quite happy with the setup + value for the money.
Hey Nick,

welcome aboard! I visited Pattaya Beach while I served in the US Navy and just loved it! Always wanted to go back there someday...
