new to this forum, new ml owner; just bought montage

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Dec 1, 2007
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santa monica, ca
am new to this
just bought pair of ML Montage
using Denon 3803 receiver
(previously using original 15 year old dcm timewindows (3000/pair when bought)

am somewhat disappointed with the bass and depth
however they are very accurate, specially with a lot of power
can anyone recommend or suggest solutions
i.e. ML Dynamo Sub
have never used a sub before, as my timewindows were incredibly efficient
appreciate the help
Have you tried experimenting with the placement?

With 2 x 6.5" woofers its only good down to about 50hz or so....placement is going to critical...if you're looking for a good sub at a decent price, Parts Express sells the Titanic series of subs, that are just as good as many of the expensive boutique subs, but for a whole lot less...You have to put them together (takes about an hour) but they are easy since everything you need is included, pre-cut and drilled.
Hi robkaplan1,

I also have a pair of Montage with a Dynamo sub powered by a Pioneer Elite. I use that as 2.1 stereo for music. Thats the best sounding stereo I've ever owned... That said, now I'm planning my next system. Maybe Vantage with a pair of Manley Mahi monoblocks.

hi satch; too late to return montage...

where did you buy your dynamo? magnolia wants $600 and says that will fix my problem..
I listen to rock, fusion, jazz, and modern country...
mostly 300 concert dvds... from dave matthews to rush to keith urban...
and well-mastered audio cds (over 3000)
Hey Back,

I bought my rig new from Magnolia in Melbourne, Fl. You should check out Audiogon for some good deals. you can probably pick up a dynamo for around $400. A lot of people here at this site buy stuff off of the Audiogon site and have found some good deals. The Dynamo sounds great with the montage speakers and has the power (200 watts) to fill my room (14x22x8). I listen to all kinds of music, Blues, Jazz, rock. The cops have been to my house twice and I was playing Diana Krall the first time and Ray Charles the next.

You also need to break in the Montage speakers I'd say at least 100 hrs before they really show you what they got.

Yeah, I'd go with the Dynamo. Thats a schweeeet sounding rig.
hey thanks, not familiar with audiogon, magnolia wants $600 in santa monica here

hope they have a location in LA
not comfortable shipping av equipment through ups etc..
just curious is your pioneer elite comparable to my denon 3803...
curious what kind of sound you get...
also did you install the spikes with the speakers, I haven't done so yet, not sure if it makes a difference with the vibration etc... because it is on carpet..
also what cable do I get when I get the dynamo?
thanks for your help., appreciate it
In L.A. there should be a lot of ways to find a good deal on a Dynamo, but somebody else at this site might be able to help with that.

I'm also new with all this and any advice I give is Not expert.

As far as the spikes, I'd hold off on them until you have a chance to hook up the sub and try different placements of the speakers to find out where they sound best.

The cables I use for the Montage are Monster M series MCX-2s that was the best they had at Magnolia. Also some kind of Monster cable for the sub.

My receiver is a Pioneer VSX-91 TXH Elite. Its kind of a Swiss Army Knife of bells and whistles. I mounted a Philips 37 inch LCD TV on the wall over my system and the receiver works pretty good with everything. It sounds great to my untrained ears, but at 110 watts per channel its probably not the best I could do for the MLs.

You should spend some time reading the threads in this site. There is all kinds of good info from really smart people.
what about tweaking settings on my denon until I get a sub?

right now I have the bass and treble at 2
anyone suggest maybe increasing it to 4 or 6?
Checkout Sound Factor. They have 3 stores in the L.A. area, Pasadena, Santa Monica and Encino. I have bought a lot of stuff from the Encino store.
Great people to work with and have been in business for 35 years.

you guys are awesome, thanks for all the great advice

will call sound factor tomorrow, live right down the street, never been in there
bought my montages at magnolia, but was always curious about sound factor
thanks guys
Have you played the speakers for a solid 100+ hours yet? Try to withhold judgments until they speakers have at least 100 hours on them, or ideally more like 200.

I believe you said the speakers are NOT spiked, because they're on carpet. Is that right? My own experience says you'll get far better sound with spikes piercing the carpet into the floor below.

Good luck!

- Jason
If for some reason you do not get a good feeling from Sound Factor let me know. They are very knowledgeable, well at least the guys in the Encino store are, the owners are well respected within the industry.

thanks for replies; haven't done the spikes yet? easy to do?

also will call sound factor later
already sent them an email for price of dynamo sub
have used the montages for about 100 hours, maybe a bit more
thanks jeff; funny I lived near you in Harrisburg,PA for a year

way way back... by 3 mile island..
there used to be a good audio video store off concord pike (where I bought a mitsubishi tv years ago, forgot the name)... and no sales tax

just curious would you suggest turning up the settings on my denon
to 4 or 6 for the bass and treble?
I have never lived in Pa. I am in Lancaster,CA.
As far as the Denon, you should just try it and live with it for a few days with various recordings and see if you like it. Then put it back and check again. Only you can tell if it is right. I am not familiar with the Denon but I think others here are. If there is a loudness switch turn it off and readjust your settings.

Also, position of your speakers has a lot to do with bass response and room interaction/resonance.

ironically the bass is getting heavier over time and depending

on which concert dvd..
interesting more dynamic bass listening to OAR than Rush or Dave Matthews.. band
still don't have sub yet..
however the bass is much fuller listening to OAR live at the garden..
appreciate comments/suggestio
also if put on "spikes" is it ok to tilt the speaker straight back on the floor to screw on? don't want to damage speakers