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New member
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta
Hello, My name is Myles. I am building my first Music/HT room, and before I start asking questions, I am up against a high WAF. I will only be looking at on wall or inwalls. My total room is 30'L x 16' W x 8'H. I have an alcove (8'x2' in depth) about 8'down frpm the corner on the 30' wall. The alcove will house my large Plasma and front speakers. There will be small cabinets for components on the floor that run the width of the alcove. The sound will be generated across the 16' Width wize rather than the 30' length. The back wall opposite the 30' wall runs about 16' and then is open to the rest of the basement. My basement is shaped like a U laying on its side.

I have been researching speaker's like mad (ML, BW, Atlantic Tech, Triad, Speakercraft, etc). Budget is $3000 or less for 3 fronts, 2 surrounds at back. SUB will be outside of speaker budget.

Hope to quiz you soon,
