I've never been in that type vehicle but I can imagine the engine noise drowning out the audio system. That's why I asked the question.
Guys, that is what I tried to explain earlier. This car is like no other F-car before. It has controls that allow you too select the behavior of the car. And I am not exaggerating when I say you can make it as quiet as a church. No road noise, no wind noise, no engine noise, tire noise, it is literally quieter than my LS460L.
I took a friend for a ride last weekend and we switched from race to city mode and the car got so quiet he thought the engine stopped. In fact when we got back from our drive we had to stop at the gate and I rolled down the window but did not roll it back up. We continued on and at 40 miles an hour he remarked that he could not get over how quiet it was and when I told him that the window was still down he said, "No effen way" and looked over me to see that it was.
In this state of civility the JBL Professional system sounds pretty darn good. Again, not CLX surround sound good, but it may be the best OEM system that I have heard. And for Ferrari that is saying something because until 1998 they did not OEM any stereo systems for their cars. You had to go aftermarket, because Enzo always said, "The engine was the music in a Ferrari." And he was dead serious, now he is just dead
Conversely you can select Race and all hell brakes, I mean breaks loose and you can't hear yourself think, let alone listen to music.

Brakes are carbon ceramic btw and are amazing, but that is another thread as they say.