With the receiver the music began to fall apart at SPLs around 75dB (C) or even less. Using the CIA stuff I have tried 80s and, briefly, 85s. "Briefly" out of respect for my neighbors because I live in an apartment and had to do this after 8pm. So I don't know how they perform when pushed. All I know is they tempt me to raise the volume a notch, then one more, and another, and it is hard to resist.
Like you I did not like the fact that these amps do not double up from 8 to 4 Ohms. On paper however, the UCD400 modules do. Dusty Vawter basically says that Hypex' spec is 'lab' while CIA's is realistic, see this thread at AudioCircle. How representative of realistic performance are the sales specs of other brands claiming double power @ 4 Ohm?
I neither know nor care. What I am after in technical terms is not power but the ability to provide current to low impedance loads. With ICEpower designs frequency response varies with impedance. With UCD designs it does not. According to the D-200 specs 2 Ohm is the minimum recommended nominal speaker impedance. Which means that they have reserves to handle much lower impedances.
Anyway, today I bought a pair of Rotel RB-1091 ICEpower based mono blocks (500W/1000W into 8Ohm/4Ohm) at the Home Theater Store, to be delivered Thursday. They have a 7 day return policy. (Channel Islands Audio have 30 days.) I will check them against the D-200s, keep the pair I like better, and return the other.
Any bets which ones I'm going to keep?
With the receiver the music began to fall apart at SPLs around 75dB (C) or even less. Using the CIA stuff I have tried 80s and, briefly, 85s. "Briefly" out of respect for my neighbors because I live in an apartment and had to do this after 8pm. So I don't know how they perform when pushed. All I know is they tempt me to raise the volume a notch, then one more, and another, and it is hard to resist.
Like you I did not like the fact that these amps do not double up from 8 to 4 Ohms. On paper however, the UCD400 modules do. Dusty Vawter basically says that Hypex' spec is 'lab' while CIA's is realistic, see this thread at AudioCircle. How representative of realistic performance are the sales specs of other brands claiming double power @ 4 Ohm?
I neither know nor care. What I am after in technical terms is not power but the ability to provide current to low impedance loads. With ICEpower designs frequency response varies with impedance. With UCD designs it does not. According to the D-200 specs 2 Ohm is the minimum recommended nominal speaker impedance. Which means that they have reserves to handle much lower impedances.
Anyway, today I bought a pair of Rotel RB-1091 ICEpower based mono blocks (500W/1000W into 8Ohm/4Ohm) at the Home Theater Store, to be delivered Thursday. They have a 7 day return policy. (Channel Islands Audio have 30 days.) I will check them against the D-200s, keep the pair I like better, and return the other.
Any bets which ones I'm going to keep?