My review - Rogue Audio - Medusa 'Hybrid'

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Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Rogue Audio
Hybrid Class 'D'
200w @ 8 ohms / 400w @ 4 ohms
msrp - $3995

Just to get things started, this will be an ongoing review since I'm only into about 3-4 hrs listening to it........yes Bernard I had Mark pre-condition it for 500 hrs first .... LOL...:bowdown:

Last month Mark Obrien (Rogue Audio) and I had lunch, caught up on all things audio and when we finished he gave me (short term loan !) one of his Medusa Hybrid amps to put up against my Spire's.

This is a hefty amp, almost 40 lbs, which utilizes a a pair of Russian 12AU7's in the front stage in conjunction with MOSFET powered Class D output stage. As Mark explained to me the effect of the tube usage in the input stage coupled with the small amount of global feedback is to for the amplifier (in laymans terms) to behave more Class A like than D like like, thus reducing switching distorsion, etc.

For comparrison I have 'my reference' amps (SS-Plinius SA-102, TUBE-Rogue M-180 monoblock), all power, interconnects, etc. as per my system description.

As for my initial listening, CD, I found the Medusa to compare quite favorably with my Plinius. While there might be a tad less 'sparkle' on the top end, it held it's own everywhere else. But once the Plinius was biased (switched) to Class A operation it's mid-range magic was at a level above what the Medusa could muster...... and so was the heat output ! yet while in Class A/B the Medusa was every bit it's equal.

Put up against it's siblings (M-180 mono-blocks) faired quite well, again not quite the warm full midrange that I have come to love from the M-180's.

Keep in mind this is an initial observation, I've yet to listen to any vinyl through the Medusa and I do plan on rolling in a different pair of tubes.....I've got a sweet pair of 'black plate' RCA's that I plan on auditioning.

So far I'm impressed with what Mark has offered and will update with more detail as listening time allows.

Rogue Audio link to more 'Medusa info' -

A pic of the Medusa atop my Plinius.......


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Hello Dave. I think you should do some more "justice" to the Medusa and set it on a proper base, as I have. I have mine isolated with Mapleshade Micropoint Heavyfeet atop a +/- 5" Maple Isolation Platform, which is itself mounted on isolation footers. It appears as your Mono Blocks as well as your s/s amp both have their own bases that they rest upon. And,as I've also said before, I found rolling the tubes to make a world of difference as well. I think the tubes Mark supplies with the unit, while satisfactory, also help with his price point, understandably, but are inferior to what is on the open market. I'm using matched "top grade" clear top RCA's that were also cryo treated, which I'm becoming a big believer in. Why "waste" time, change the tubes now.

Good Listening,
Dave, good to see you doing things right! :)

It seems that in comparing the M-180's with the Medusa you have come up with the classic tube vs SS difference.

So how does the Plinius compare with the M-180?
Hello Dave. I think you should do some more "justice" to the Medusa and set it on a proper base

Scotty, it's sits atop my 86 lb Plinius which in turn is coupled to the concrete floor beneath. I do not operate the Plinius with the Medusa parked above it though !

I found rolling the tubes to make a world of difference as well. I think the tubes Mark supplies with the unit, while satisfactory, also help with his price point, understandably, but are inferior to what is on the open market. I'm using matched "top grade" clear top RCA's that were also cryo treated, which I'm becoming a big believer in. Why "waste" time, change the tubes now.

no waste of time, establishing a base point of reference is important as well. Other than my RCA 'black plates' I have a pair of Radiotechnigue '58 NOS 12AU7's that I plan giving a whirl as well.
had a marathon session last nite till 130am, Scotty you were right, the Medusa really 'woke up' when I rolled in different tubes. Both of the pairs I had on hand gave a fuller sense of body and bloom to the midrange while the Radiotechnique improved the upper freq better, more air, clairity....less perception of 'roll off' to these old ears !

I really like this amp, does everything well and with 12AU7's of choice it should please many. With this being said I would not give up my M-180's , they simply are more 'musical' to my ears. I feel the same way with regards to my Plinius when biased to Class A. A blind test would have been fun to conduct as would have been an opportunity to see how the Medusa would perform up against some non-hybrid Logans.

I'll enjoy this some more this coming week before taking it over to my sons house to put up against his big Zu's
That's good to "hear"!!
Between the tubes I put in the Medusa, and the Telefunken's I put in my Pre-amp, the difference is truly amazing.
I'll bet the Medusa runs a whole lot cooler than either of your other amps, too.