Got it tuned in. One of the biggest improvements with the new panels is how the snare drums and guitar sound. Feels much more real.
It was about 20 to 30Hrs of playing with my Monolith panels.Some on here say that new panels have a break in time. How long do most think it is?
I have an email from ML (Jim Power) from 2005 when I had noticed the wiring in one of my Odyssey's was different from the other one (panels only, woofers were fine) after replacing power-supplies (from 240V to 120V). This is what it said: "Fortunately that connection will work just fine with either polarity. We install the twin wires without regards to which wire goes where." I must admit I never heard any issue with any music... Maybe polarity with Electrostatic speakers is not that relevant. Did you check the wiring and connections on the circuit boards of your Prodigies? (please let the forum know if you find a more definite answer!)It usually doesn't do this. I read some speakers can though, maybe it's the nature of the new panels? Wondering if any members have had this.
Well, I think it sounded better just using the Aragon alone to drive the speakers. When using the Marantz receiver to power the woofers, it seems like I lost that 3D sound. With just the Aragon on I actually got up to check to see if the center channel theater i was on. There was a definite center stage sound, better than my old panels. It sounded great.
Once I switched to using the Marantz, I lost that sound and it just sounded like 2 separate speakers playing. The bass was every bit as good though. Strange. So I'm going to run Audyssey again just using the Aragon and some jumpers.
Strange how my old panels did not trigger that. I wonder why? Maybe because the output was lower?It is very common for the correction algorithms to declare that a Martin Logan speaker is "out of phase". Just ignore it and move on. It doesn't affect anything. My Yamaha YPAO does the same thing telling me a speaker is out of phase, it is the rear reflection. Glad you like the new panels!
I figured using the Marantz to power the woofers would leave more power to the panels from the Aragon, but it didn't sound any better. Seems strange to me that the "3d" sound was negatively impacted by using the 2 amps.I still own early Aragon for HT front L&R and more rescent Marantz.I am quite sure the Aragon will sound better.
are use them with my SL 3’s and with Spica TC 50s for quite a while.
Well, I know it's not that because I've owned the speakers now for about 5 years and Audyssey never said they were out of phase until after I put the new panels on.Member here SleepySurf had Summits and found that one of the woofers was wired out of phase. Until he figured it out, it caused much annoyance trying to dial them in.