My first wall treatment

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
Chatsworth, Ca
Hi all
This is my first stab at a wall treatment, albeit a temporary one! I'm using an egg-crate foam available from MCM Electronics, p/n LS00626. The sheets are 39x19x1.5, and cost $15.19 for a two-pack. Per the photo, I affixed them on the wall end-to-end with squares of carpet tape. At first, I didn't change the positions of the Sequels.
Round one:
CD: Imaging a bit better, bass less bloomy, ditto midrange to midbass. Top end almost no change.
Phono: Wow! Bass is deeper, & more accurate; tighter as well. Imaging more 3d than before, and more stable.
Supposition? The reduction in backscatter and resonance on the wall is greatly reduced, and for the phono, less reflected energy is finding its way to the tonearm.
Round two:
Moved the speakers another 10" or so from the wall, so nearly 4' now, and toed them out a bit more.
CD: Bass much tighter, imaging in the lower frequencies a lot better and a lot lower. Top end much smoother, and imaging overall much more stable and 3d than before.
Phono: Even more wow! Imaging is way out in the room now, and again, much more stable. Bass response now on par with the CD; I would say it's better, but that's personal bias!:rolleyes:
The control:
In both sessions, I removed the egg-crate from the wall, and top-end, and imaging muddied up a bit; the bass was boomier and less controlled.
Bear in mind the differences weren't totally night-and-day, and it took quite a few listening sessions to pick up on the subtleties. I plan to improve on what I've done, along with some bass traps for the corners of the living room.
So there you go! Just goes to show that even thirty bucks spent on a wall treatment can make a difference!:music:
For the listening sessions, I used Altan's The Best of Altan, AC/DC's Black Ice, The Fifth Element soundtrack; Lucia Di Lammermoor, The Diva Dance (tracks 14 & 15), on CD, and for LP, No Name Jive parts 1 & 2, and Begin the Beguine from Time-Life's The Swing Era LP set, and Duran Duran's Seven And The Ragged Tiger album.
All of the above are some of my standard repertoire of recordings I use, when I've played around with speaker positioning, or when I've mucked about with the electronics in some way.


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Nice Job! I can make a bet with you that it won't be too long until you buy or build some fiberglass panels behind those beauties! They will improve your acoustics even further! Read all the posts in this section of the forum and you will be hooked!!! enjoy!