My first Martin Logans

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2007
Reaction score
Cocoa Beach, Fl.
Hi Gang,

I just noticed that yesterday was my first anniversary here at the M.L.O.C.

I thought I'd post a photo of the speakers that opened my ears to what was possible.

ML Montage speakers and a Dynamo sub powered by a Pioneer Elite VSX-91TXH.

That was before the dreaded "Joeyitis" set in... Dang, I miss that budget wrecker! I still have his Cary SLP-98p.

Now my system is based on Vistas, Depth i, Cary SLP-98p, Ayre V-5xe, Scheu Analog Cello turntable w/ RB250 arm and Blue note cart... Oh yeah, Oppo DV980H, Benchmark DAC1 usb, Squeezebox III, Apple MacBook and a ReadyNAS NV+ that I still haven't figured out how to use.

I don't know anybody around here that knows much about high end audio gear. That's why I've been pestering the members with all my stupid questions.

All the best,

P.S. Mom got that Montage system for Christmas and she LOVES IT!!!


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That's pretty cool that you gave your Mom your old Montage's! My Mom has a 30 year old pair of Bose bookshelf speakers sitting on top of her family room wall unit. I offered to put together a decent sounding system, but she still thinks the "blose" is state of the art! :D
I still haven't heard any of ML's non ESL speakers, I really want to. I knw I'd rather have Vistas, though! :)

sleepy... Seriously... This is your mom! Don't you love her? HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO FAMILY!?!?! :p

(My stepmom just bought a blose system for the TV, but my dad should know better so that's his problem!) ((Lucky for him he's deaf as a post, so that's probably why he let her get it to begin with!))
Thanks guys,


Mom has a great box set of Johnny Cash Sun Recordings that is usually playing when I come over. Or Ray Charles, Diana Krall, Neil Young, Rat Pack, even some Martin Denny Exotica. My nephew has also been making her some cool "Best Of's".


What really caught my attention with the Montage was the 1.5"X2.25" ATF (Advanced Thin Film) Transducer. That little Dipole High Frequency Driver that just barely sticks out the top. At first I thought it was kinda weird looking but it was enough to make me look into the whole ESL concept. Welcome to the madness!


We'll just put up some bleachers out in the sun...
And have it out on Highway 61...

I'm prayin' that when I'm old and infirm (but hopefully not deaf), my kids and/or grandkids will be interested in listening to some of my favorite tracks, via whatever high-tech holographic media is in vogue at that time!

I often wonder what my father (unfortunately long deceased) would have to say if he saw/heard my ML setup! Sad thing is he really enjoyed music, even played a mean mandolin, but as far as I know he never got to hear a truly high-end setup. It wasn't until a few years after he passed away that I really got into this hobby.

I'm curious, how many of you share this hobby with your parents, siblings, or children?
I'm curious, how many of you share this hobby with your parents, siblings, or children?

Well Sleepy both my sons are seriouly into music, my oldest, who's DIY amp project I posted and my youngest boy out here in Colorado. He has the remains of my previous system (Maggie MG IIIA's, Aragon 4004, ARC SP9mkII Stve Huntley mods, CAL Alpha / Delta CD player). The Maggies are going through a rebuild so a pair of Polk floorstanders are filling in.

I'm re-doing his setup as I await the start of RMAF this weekend, maybe I'll throw a pic up on the site.