Listening is very relaxing, and I suspect a high-end system (ML or other) causes the release of endorphins. I often nod off as well during serious listening and feel VERY refreshed when I awaken. I don't think it's a matter of "getting old" but rather a HEALTHY physiologic response. Background listening NEVER lulls me to sleep because I'm concentrating on something else. Think of serious listening as music meditation-- relieving stress, good for the heart/brain, and probably PROLONGING our lives! Be thankful you have the system, and the time, to enjoy that state!
This is a perfectly natural response to a situation where the mind is pacified into a deep state of relaxation. Music is a powerful elemental force that can induce a mixed range of emotional responses, from sensations of calm and inner peace to excitement and even rage. Hopefully the latter does not occur too often.
How each person responds to the situation hinges upon factors such as; state of mind (awareness / happy / sad , etc) environment, stress, and health.
weird...i cought myself starting to nod off this afternoon. had never noticed that before, and then i read this. i guess it shouldnt be all that hard to believe that relaxing with some good music to center on can make ya sleepy...if only i could play an album or two before i WANTED to go to sleep. thought, i dont think my roommates would like that every night.
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