Motion 10 questions

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Nov 19, 2011
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Bmore, MD
Hi Guys,

I've always loved ML dad's Carver AL3s inspired a lust for electrostatics. I wanted a pair of speakers for music listening in my bedroom - small towers would be the ideal form factor.

I purchased a pair of Motion 10s (great prices on them right now) but perusing the specs I saw that bass extension is only to 65Hz. I was surprised given that these are tower speakers (admittedly small towers) with 2 woofers...I mean heck the Motion 4s are much smaller and go down to 70Hz.

Should i just cancel the order on the 10's and go with a pair of motion 4s on stands? Do the 10s actually sound better? I tried to audition them at Magnolia (only place that had them in stock) but they weren't set up correctly and were in a huge open room...still sounded good to me though. Looks like I'll need a sub regardless of motion 4 or 10. Wish I could have fit the 12s but they are just too big for the bedroom.

Thanks for your help,
Hola and welcome. The Motions 10 are great speakers. You do not worry about specs. You will be amazed with their clean bass performance. On the other hand, a pair of Motion 4 with stands and a sub...mmmm, I think that I will go this way. but not any sub, try the Dynamo 700 (it is wire less). It will cost a little bit more than the pair of Motions 10. This combo will make you feel very good with all the HT benefits. Even in a stereo set up will shine very nice. The new tweeter on the Motion series are in the league of high end product. For what you paid, it is very difficult to match then with the same amount of money. You are safe with this array. The stage and image is right, and has a very nice dynamic presentation of the group playing there for you...Happy listening!.
Do the 10s. They are at great prices right now, because of some updates coming (think LX 16 looks) and are actually cheaper than a 4 on stand. they will sound less strained than 4s under any situation because of two drivers, more box volume. Remember, ML goal is to get the midrange right first when faced with a price point. You can always add subs, but you cant fix midrange after the fact.
Thanks for the advice guys. Took the plunge on the 10s. I had heard the 10s weakness was that true? Seems rather unlike ML.

From who? I think it is its strength. easy, not forced and a soundfield much larger than the small size. I love "hearing from the grapevine/internet" comments like that when reviews of the product has been wonderful.
As someone who has sold and installed a lot of various ML product I can say that the Motion10 is definitely not lacking in the midrange department. Of course it's not going to have the same sound as an ESL, so maybe that's what the people you've seen feedback from were expecting and were disappointed. But compared to similar offerings at that price point by competitors like Polk, Energy, Definitive, or Mirage (trying to think of other brands you could demo the Motions against in a big box store like Best Buy/Magnolia) it has a much smaller footprint and is less obtrusive in a smaller sized room without sacrificing performance. The fact that they taper towards the top also makes them seem much less dominant in the room and the WAF goes up considerably compared to other brands (except maybe Mirage) if that's something you're having to take into consideration.
Just wanted to check in and say that the Motion 10s arrived. Pleased to say they look and sound very good. Midrange is certainly not lacking (much unlike the drivel I'd read online). The bass is definitely on the light side and I think a sub is critical to getting a nice balanced sound. That said, I'm so impressed by how much detail the tweeters reveal without a hint of sibilance. I do wish the speakers were a little taller as the tweeters end up somewhat low...anyone have ideas on how to raise them elegantly?

Cheers and thanks for all the great advice!
Look at a company like Auralex for monitor platforms. They are only a few inches high but you can angle the tweeters upward a bit which should help with the sound and they also can increase bass performance a bit. Should be under $100 shipped for the pair. I use their SubDude subwoofer platform and it's great.

2 of these per speaker (one for each side of spikes) would work well:
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Good suggestion on Aurlex as soundly engineered solutions. Being cheap there is always nice pavers from home depot. Also, break in will open them up considerebly as i have personally noticed now that they have had some time cooking. We did not try to get fake bass out of them and presumed a sub would be part of the typical package so shop wisely. Dynamo 700 would be the sweet spot, experiment with forward firing for your room. I have a 1000 as in CA there is no such thing as a closed room so i have to fill a lot of area.
Now I also have a pair of Motion10 and can say the top end and midrange are wonderfully clear and detailed, similar to my Ascent 'i.' And the bass is perhaps a tiny bit better than expected for a ported cabinet with two little 5 inch woofers...