While we might view it as some form of appealing to local American buyers sense of patriotism, I actually believe they have done their market research and understood that in the fastest growing segment for their products, which is Asia / Pacific, that American audio companies are admired and their products desired.
Japan had, and to a large extent still does, a fascination for big American stuff. Heck they even love Harley’s.
Japanese Audiophiles, who have amazing locally sourced amps and electronics, will pay through the nose for a Mac amp.
The US has always had a vibrant speaker manufacturing culture, and ML is one of the shinning lights in terms of Innovation and uniqueness. So their products are highly desired as well.
Bottom line, if looking to expand sales in China, India and Korea, promoting the ‘American’ thing is not a bad idea.
Remember, we’re a declining or flat market here in the US in terms of percent of the global pie.
If a company’s marketing message is not tailored to the World, then it will be in jeopardy vs competitors who do.