ML Illusion C34A vs Stage X Center channel comparison

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Jul 10, 2020
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Hello all, I currently have the ML Stage. X center speaker. I have an opportunity to upgrade to the Illusion C34A I have a decent Home Theater but I don’t use it as much as my two channel system. Anyone that experience the difference between the Stage X, and the Illusion? Thanks in advance.
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I don’t have the direct experience you’re seeking, but I do have a C34A and it’s a fantastic center speaker. I seriously doubt you’d be disappointed with the purchase. It simply does nothing wrong in my experience.

Is your purchase a used speaker? If so, do you have a return period to audition it?
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I see there is a 34A now, is the 34C an older model? I cant seem to find it. I went from a theater i to a C18 Focus and the improvement was great. The 34A has got to be vastly better than the Focus I got, so I imagine the difference for you would be night and day.
I’m sorry it’s the C34A. It is a new model brand new. Purchased new too big for the buyers room. Open box sale at a local retailer near me. I’m having a hard time swallowing the price point. I remember when the C34A was $5499 retail now it’s $9498
You might want to compare the price with Shawn's price at DaVinci. He offers excellent pricing and support to forum members, and it may not be immediate satisfaction like this one, but possibly at a better price.

@DaVinci Media is his account.
^^^Totally agree! Shawn is excellent to work with in every respect.

FWIW, I went from a Stage (not X) to the Illusion C34A, and it was a very significant upgrade for me.
I’m sorry it’s the C34A. It is a new model brand new. Purchased new too big for the buyers room. Open box sale at a local retailer near me. I’m having a hard time swallowing the price point. I remember when the C34A was $5499 retail now it’s $9498
Depending on your budget, even the C18 Focus is a noticeable upgrade from what you have. I notice it mostly in clarity of the vocals. Everything is very clear and crisp. With my theater i, dialog during movies could be muddled and unclear at times. With the focus it sounds wonderful.

That c34a will sound incredible, but like you i couldn't get myself to spend that much on a center channel speaker. Like the others said, Shawn gives us unbeatable prices and he is an official authorized dealer, so you get the full factory warranty.

You might want to ask that retailer if the open box speaker still carries the full factory warranty. It should, but you never know for sure unless you ask. Compare that price to Shawn's.
I’m offered the ML Illusion at cost and it’s still pricey! I’ll have to see what the Stage X will sell for. Thanks for everyone’s input.
Some people will go with 2 center channel speakers, especially when behind a screen. Two Focus speakers will probably sound better than the single 34a, but be about the same price.
Just go for the focus, its an improvement over the Stage X, the C34A is too expensive now for its worth IMO. Unless you can find a used one that pops up every blue moon.