Well said Lugano !!!! damn......I'm still thinking about those ribs you were cooking, And i just ate !!!!
Ok, then you made the right choice! However, if the Apogee's sounds better, they also measure better! The hard thing is to interpret measurements in a acoustic situation. Speaker measurements are typically executed at one particular point somewhere in front of the speaker (in an anechoic chamber 3m on axis or similar). In an acousticly LIVE room however, many other factors come into play, therefore measurement doesn't necessarily corresponds to the listening experience! In a good listening room, the type of room I prefer anyway, you're mostly listening to the speakers direct radiation instead of a combination of d.r and several time-smearing reflections. Theese the brain combines to one sound within the HAAS-window (20-30mS). I also wish to emphasize that the type of measurement important is the impulse response, it doesn't help much if a speaker behaves good in the frequency domain if not in phase..I believe at least one speaker company did publish impulse measurements for their speakers back in the 90's. I think it was Dunleavy. I thought their speakers sounded pretty good when I heard them, but I ended up buying Apogees because they sounded better even though they did not measure as well. I remain shocked that you would purchase a speaker based on measurements.
The reason I joined the ML club was to see if someone maybe had measurements on the Summit's, which are speakers I'm possibly interested of buying. Whether I do or don't, I hope we can be friends anyway! :cheers:Sounds like you might need to find another forum to enjoy that also enjoys your current choice of speakers maybe...
Oh, your wife is from Finland? I bet she's nice and really good looking, most Finish women are! I totally agree, pictures helps and makes reading more interesting so I did put in two pictures. The project is called WinG II and is always under improvement, the pics aren't totally up to date but pretty representative. About me being a producer, I shouldn't have mentioned that. I have no intention of mixing private hobbies like this with my work so If that lowers my credibility for someone, I'll take that.Mr. Theory, good evening. Where are you from in Sweden as my wife is Finish and I have spent the last 32 years vacationing there for the summer and during Christmas and naturally have been to your country many times?
Perhaps you could post a picture of the room you have and what your equipment looks like with a small discription so that more people would be able to see clearly what your are talking about in your thread.
How about adding descriptions of some of the music that you have produced, along with a sample and the names of the artists for all to enjoy. The artists will not mind I am sure.
From the collective amount of experiences of all reading this, (and naturally the pictures you show), the more able someone will be able to help you with your question; wouldn't you agree?
I am sorry that the demo rooms and set-ups have not been to your liking. What were all the brands of equipment and the speakers you have listened to recently?
Waiting anxiously for those photos and some music and artists; so all the best to you Mr. Theory.
Ears are the greatest music enjoyment measuring devices ever known to man.
I agree but it's very hard to make certain improvements when forced to take all factors into acount at the same time. Measurements allows focusing on critical factors and when listening results confirms the improvement, I say why not??Ears are the greatest music enjoyment measuring devices ever known to man.
I agree but it's very hard to make certain improvements when forced to take all factors into acount at the same time. Measurements allows focusing on critical factors and when listening results confirms the improvement, I say why not??
There won't be any measurements available until Stereophile reviews the Summits. After the article is published, you and John Atkinson can debate the merits of purchashing equipment based on impulse response and cumulative spectral-decay plots.
Until that magic day, here's a close approximation of what the Summit measurements will look like...
Prodigy Measurements
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