Model: Ma-7900, Integrated amplifier (with DAC)
Price US: $7000 / Price in EU - approx. 9000$
US: $4500 - 5500$ / EU: 5500 - 7000$
Specs: 200 watts per channel (2, 4 or 8 ohms)
Amp Auditioned On: Martin Logan Montis
Many resellers I have talked to, with a few exceptions, tend to dislike Mcintosh. For them this brand is the Harley Davidson vs Ducati or Caddilac vs. Porch 911. Maybe they are all fed-up selling the same amplifier, or maybe their margins are limited. Maybe they never auditioned the newer models from Mcintosh which sound a lot more HIFI and with more resolution than their predecessors. The Ma7900 (200W) is the "little brother" of the larger Ma8000 (300W). They share the same construction and the shape is similar. And despite the bigger brother, it's still one of the heaviest amplifiers out there: 34Kg.
For me, well, The MA-7900 is wonderful in the mid-range. The vocals, the guitar, the saxes are so present. The dynamics are very good. I almost found myself in a concert hall listing to a live performance.
There have been some concerns purchasing a Mcintosh for a Martin Logan speakers with difficult impedance swings down to 0,5 ohms. I feared that the high tones where rolled off. I was concerned that the music never went "3 Dimensional" as reported with the older MA-7000 model etc. I have been recommended to get a direct coupled SS amp to handle the difficult load - and to avoid auto formers (that is supposed to only work with speakers with stable impedance). Due to these concerns I planned to replace the MA-7900 - and I still may one day - but it works very well with the Martin Logan Montis:
1) The sound is indeed 3-Dimensional, detailed in the top - and the amplifier does have control in the bass / lower frequencies. The sound-stage is maybe not as wide or detailed as a Luxman or a Accuphase (both briefly auditioned with Electromotions at the store - not Montis) - but much deeper and organic. Furthermore, talking about Luxman and Accuphase: Their very best amplifiers (at least the integrated ones) are Class A with limited Watts, which is not a good thing in a larger room matched with Montis or larger ML speakers IMO. You need more power. That said - Luxman or an (even better) Accuphase - are very fine and very good amplifiers in the right conditions. I would recommend anyone to audition them.
2) The sound and mid-range is organic and "colorful" - but not at the expense of the original recordings. A tube amplifier, such as the Audio Research vsi75, is maybe more organic and "thick" in the mid-range - and is even more forgiving to old and bad recordings - but unfortunately the "loose" bass is not a very good match with the hybrid design - making the subs sound more separate IMHO. The AR also roll-off more in the high frequencies. When doing an A/B match it is obvious that the Mcintosh is more detailed in the top. That said, the AR was very 3D-like and detailed in the mid-range, maybe even more than the Ma7900.
3) For the individuals claiming that Mcintosh sound flat and not 3D I will urge you to audition a new Ma8000 or Ma7900 with Summit X or Montis - and play the movie: Gravity. You hear sound all around you - even behind you. I don't even know how this is possible...
In general I think direct coupled SS amplifiers sound too harsh on ESL speakers - and too analytical, although they are very detailed and "HIFI" (probably with many exceptions). I also find tube amps to be a bit too "loose" and rolled-off (again, probably with many exceptions), although they sound very warm and very organic (voices and grand pianos sound very nice on tube amps).
If you think like me - maybe a SS amplifier with auto-formers is indeed the golden middle. Not too harsh, but still analytical and organic/musical and not too rolled-off compared to a "normal" tube amp. (for instance, a class A tube amp, 100W + with a lot of bandwidth is indeed a exception). With this in mind, the MA7900 is indeed a very fine, detailed and balanced - yet organic/musical - integrated amplifier that match well with the Montis and probably the Summit X and Ethos as well.
Next Steps: Although the MA-7900 looks and sounds very good - my hunt is still not over. I do like the Ma7900 a lot, and it is a keeper for the time being. My next shoot-out is the Gryphone Diablo, which is known to be one of the very best integrated amplifier on the planet and reported to be an even better match for the Montis. Furthermore, I have not yet auditioned any Pass Labs, which is reported to be a very good match as well.
Model: Ma-7900, Integrated amplifier (with DAC)
Price US: $7000 / Price in EU - approx. 9000$

Specs: 200 watts per channel (2, 4 or 8 ohms)
Amp Auditioned On: Martin Logan Montis
Many resellers I have talked to, with a few exceptions, tend to dislike Mcintosh. For them this brand is the Harley Davidson vs Ducati or Caddilac vs. Porch 911. Maybe they are all fed-up selling the same amplifier, or maybe their margins are limited. Maybe they never auditioned the newer models from Mcintosh which sound a lot more HIFI and with more resolution than their predecessors. The Ma7900 (200W) is the "little brother" of the larger Ma8000 (300W). They share the same construction and the shape is similar. And despite the bigger brother, it's still one of the heaviest amplifiers out there: 34Kg.
For me, well, The MA-7900 is wonderful in the mid-range. The vocals, the guitar, the saxes are so present. The dynamics are very good. I almost found myself in a concert hall listing to a live performance.
There have been some concerns purchasing a Mcintosh for a Martin Logan speakers with difficult impedance swings down to 0,5 ohms. I feared that the high tones where rolled off. I was concerned that the music never went "3 Dimensional" as reported with the older MA-7000 model etc. I have been recommended to get a direct coupled SS amp to handle the difficult load - and to avoid auto formers (that is supposed to only work with speakers with stable impedance). Due to these concerns I planned to replace the MA-7900 - and I still may one day - but it works very well with the Martin Logan Montis:
1) The sound is indeed 3-Dimensional, detailed in the top - and the amplifier does have control in the bass / lower frequencies. The sound-stage is maybe not as wide or detailed as a Luxman or a Accuphase (both briefly auditioned with Electromotions at the store - not Montis) - but much deeper and organic. Furthermore, talking about Luxman and Accuphase: Their very best amplifiers (at least the integrated ones) are Class A with limited Watts, which is not a good thing in a larger room matched with Montis or larger ML speakers IMO. You need more power. That said - Luxman or an (even better) Accuphase - are very fine and very good amplifiers in the right conditions. I would recommend anyone to audition them.
2) The sound and mid-range is organic and "colorful" - but not at the expense of the original recordings. A tube amplifier, such as the Audio Research vsi75, is maybe more organic and "thick" in the mid-range - and is even more forgiving to old and bad recordings - but unfortunately the "loose" bass is not a very good match with the hybrid design - making the subs sound more separate IMHO. The AR also roll-off more in the high frequencies. When doing an A/B match it is obvious that the Mcintosh is more detailed in the top. That said, the AR was very 3D-like and detailed in the mid-range, maybe even more than the Ma7900.
3) For the individuals claiming that Mcintosh sound flat and not 3D I will urge you to audition a new Ma8000 or Ma7900 with Summit X or Montis - and play the movie: Gravity. You hear sound all around you - even behind you. I don't even know how this is possible...
In general I think direct coupled SS amplifiers sound too harsh on ESL speakers - and too analytical, although they are very detailed and "HIFI" (probably with many exceptions). I also find tube amps to be a bit too "loose" and rolled-off (again, probably with many exceptions), although they sound very warm and very organic (voices and grand pianos sound very nice on tube amps).
If you think like me - maybe a SS amplifier with auto-formers is indeed the golden middle. Not too harsh, but still analytical and organic/musical and not too rolled-off compared to a "normal" tube amp. (for instance, a class A tube amp, 100W + with a lot of bandwidth is indeed a exception). With this in mind, the MA7900 is indeed a very fine, detailed and balanced - yet organic/musical - integrated amplifier that match well with the Montis and probably the Summit X and Ethos as well.
Next Steps: Although the MA-7900 looks and sounds very good - my hunt is still not over. I do like the Ma7900 a lot, and it is a keeper for the time being. My next shoot-out is the Gryphone Diablo, which is known to be one of the very best integrated amplifier on the planet and reported to be an even better match for the Montis. Furthermore, I have not yet auditioned any Pass Labs, which is reported to be a very good match as well.
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