Some perspective guys:
1. Do think about why the owner of Hyundai, a multi-billionaire who can buy any of the above systems for his Kitchen system, chooses the WE, and spends a 100k to fly them over to Munich so people can listen to them. And why do people travel to listen to those, and those who like them, do not then like the 400k Vox Olympian, the 600k Magico Ultimate, TADs, Tidals etc playing in the other rooms. He connects his gear with $5 cabling.
2. Will be visiting a guy in Italy. Will wait for summer to hit though, it's a bit miserable in winter where he is located. His fifth system is a Vivid Giya G1 with Halcro. His 2nd is a Goldmund Apologue. His first is Yamamura.
3. Why would Steve Williams, who has been in this hobby for 50 years, stop in his tracks and start changing stuff on listening to ddk's Siemens Bionors. He has heard hifi show speakers multiple times and himself has the Alexandrias?
This speaker plays only till 75hz, then has to be crossed over (which with this speaker will always be an issue) yet will beat many speakers on the 'hifi' list