Martin Logan - Super Systems... Seeing / Hearing is Believing

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Pierrehaas69 Prodigies

Clean as a whistle.... and fresh flowers to improve the WAF! LOL!!!

Martin Logan - Unsung Too Long...

Joey_V said:

Thanks! I will be on the lookout for more systems! *Salute*

Your welcome. :D

Yes, I just kept on seeing all these beautiful ML systems, which I never saw on our own Fantastically, Wonderful - ML Club. Some of which where even from our own members (posted on other web-sites but not here), so I figured we should all at least glimpse them here, where it counts, you know... :D ;) :D
Benzo800 Quests!

The Levinson is so massive, it barely fits under the rack! :)

Yeah Baby! - Yeah!!!

Joey & amey01,

Yeah! Thanks for sharing. Yeah - keep them coming...

VERY COOL !!! :p :D :D
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Mem916 Soundlabs Millenium 1

Ok ok... so these arent Logans.... but they're electrostats! And they're big as heck! And I bet they sound ridiculously awesome in that awesome room with the view!

Audiofankj Bubinga Summits

What a room... what a front end setup! Bubinga veneered too!


Truly an inspiration for what my Summit system should look like.
Babydoc's Summits and Pass Labs

AhhhH.... I'm getting dizzy!

Nice system though!

Diamonds Summit and Stage system!

The Summits and the Stage... what could be better?


Too bad he hasnt updated the pic... it still shows the Cinema.
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My Summits in a former life...

Yup... these were my actual Summits in the hands of their previous owner. Yes yes... so the Summits dont have cable risers now, fine, they dont have such a cushy life now. :mad:

Unknown Summit system

By far.... my favorite Summit based system I have seen so far! I saw this somewhere quite a while back, and I saved the picture into my computer.

I just like how everything is so warm and homey.... from the veneer that matches the carpet, to the rug that matches the little remote control stand.... to the tubes and the nicely hung Plasma... the black on black combinations... the Nordost wire... the well laid out room...

Oh.... my... I wish my system could look like that someday soon...


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Gayle Sanders - Look what you've started...


It's partly Gayles fault, were're even here.... ;) Thank you Gayle my ears just love you.. :p


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If only Summits were up front...

If you can picture a Summit system here instead of those Gallo Ref3s... think of the WAF, think of the WAF!!!!

You can put anything modern looking like the Summits, Vantage, or Vista up front and the wifey wont even blink an eye.

And when your friends come over, they will be astounded at the cleanliness and coolness of your system.

Now.. who in here is the resident photoshop expert? I want Summits up front dang it! :p

Ok.. Robin...

*Panting*... I'm done for now...

I gotta get back to this little report I have to present at Grand Rounds tomorrow...

Eep! Too much slacking off!
What a Great Contribution, for the Good of the cause...


Thanks again. :D

I love all of the systems you posted... :D

If you find anymore - unsung systems - later..., please don't hesitate to share them with us. I for one, am a visual learner and a picture does speak a 1000 words to me... :D :D