I am fortunate enough in today's difficult economic times to be be relocated by a new employer. We currently have a pair of Martin Logan Vantage speakers that are set up on a floor that is a thick carpet over a concrete slab. The Vantages are spiked into the carpet.
Our new place will have hardwood floors over poured concrete. What suggestions do you have to stabilize these speakers? We are considering an area rug, but they don't seem to be thick enough to support the spikes.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I am fortunate enough in today's difficult economic times to be be relocated by a new employer. We currently have a pair of Martin Logan Vantage speakers that are set up on a floor that is a thick carpet over a concrete slab. The Vantages are spiked into the carpet.
Our new place will have hardwood floors over poured concrete. What suggestions do you have to stabilize these speakers? We are considering an area rug, but they don't seem to be thick enough to support the spikes.
Thanks for any suggestions.