Hello , I just thought id share my experience with testing equipment. This is my opinion only and take it as that . I also pre apologize for any miss grammar or such because im also not a professional writer.
I am not a professional reviewer but Im not the type to spend money on something that wont give me improvements unless its justified -500 dollar power cable? not for me
My testing was done with A-B-C speaker switcher witch allows me to switch
between sources and even between op amps instantly so you can tell
what the real differences are between different equipment. And I don't know
what source im listening to so I make a real decision on the sound.
This is lengthy but if its needed to get my point across
My attempt is to shed some light for new users or people looking to upgrade.
Current Setup .
-Martin Logan ESL
-Emotiva Xpa-2 - Qsc PLX2 3102 - Crown XLS 1500
-Dayton 10guage Zip Wire ( the one reviewed in Audioholics)
-Dayton Interconnects - might upgrade to bluejeans -
-Asus Xonar essence ST - Advantage 2.2 setup EQ -Direct connection to amp Control of subs and front speakers separately.
-APC Surge protector with -70db noise filter -
-Computer has Xfx 1250W PSU-(seasonic) low ripple
-Pre-amp -NONE!-
-Extra subs - Definitive PF18" amazing clear bass - Definitive PF15" JBL 18" cinema Speaker- In my room the logans bass sometimes is to much but the subs give it that low low response. - subs not used when testing.
My last audio show was "The Show" at Newport ,CA . I actually met Peter Soderberg and spoke to him for a long time . I heard $600 to $130k speakers and I realized that people need to judge speakers before they know the price or brand of them.
After seeing the Amazing review on 6moons of the Asus One - Plus one - and Muse edition I realized that all I needed to do was upgrade my Op Amps and I would achieve what is "considered" great sound from a DAC ,
Many of you ESL users have probably considered the Asus ST/ or STX because of its reviews and low price but probably think that products like Cambridge DacMagic Plus or M2techs Young are superior since they are audiophile brands, After some research I found that the M2tech is considered as good at $10k Dacs for a lot less , After seeing what chip it has as its Decoder I saw that it uses the PCM1795a Which is the same that Asus ONE Uses- Although the Asus ST uses the PCM1792 its pretty much the same .
OP AMP Testing : I decided to use/upgrade the Op Amps on my ST that come with the Xonar One Plus One - the TI – OPA2132 'Input Stage Only"which the reviewer said it was an amazing Dac for the Price and pretty much the same as the Muse edition. After doing on the fly A/B comparisons I found the TI – OPA2132 compared to the Stock 2124D Gave my logans more DB in the Midrange Vocals a instant and more airy extended bass as well as a lot more detailed highs specially on vocalist that say the letter "S" . The Original is a warmer Op Amp . The Soundstage though increased with the 2132 to give my Logans a live sound as well as it centered my Imaging perfectly . But that's because my midrange is louder which makes sense. Remember this is not im my head as I don't know what im listening to I just know what I chose as the better op amp.An advantage of the ST vs any other DAC is that it has an EQ that doesn't degrade quality , I use .05 and 1db increase since I sit less than 10feet from my logans and they are tilted back.
Results are awesome real difference , Do I prefer a live sound compared to a warm tube sound? im my situation YES specially because I increase my imaging . With these results I am tempted in spending $150 for Muse Op Amps - Although the OPA2132's are like 15 bucks and the reviewer said that there is a good difference in the Muse . At this point I trust the reviewer and I trust Asus with their decision making . Verdict is Get this Amazing card , Remember that most 'Considered high end high cost" speakers are overly bright so there will probably not be a need for you to use the EQ settings I used. My last statement is based on all high rated high regarded speakers I listened to at the show. Logans are known for an already powerful midrange - This opamp is perfect so far and until I can get any science facts why anything else is better including records I wont upgrade, But I would love to upgrade to the m2tech because it looks so cool I would lose the ability to do 2.2 setup though unless I use an adapter and I wont be able to control treble unless I get a pre amp.
Amplifier : Emovita Xpa-2 , Crown XLS1500 , QSC PLX2 3102 -
Pretty much sounded the same except for the crown which is brighter and gives you certain dynamic impact on highs , Further A/B testing is needed for me to give you guys any advice on these, I just bought the Emotiva because it looks cool and I wanted to see if it was true that class A/B amps sound better than PA Class D/H amps , The competition is between the QSC and the Emotiva - I will update this later with my final though , If your speakers are not as bright you might love the super light and super small Crown though , the sound is extremely clean and will never clip unless your pushing your logans to the limit. I will take the time and do this testing soon. Remember though switching Op Amps increased my Treble and Vocals , I will give you my opinion soon .
The rest of the post is just extra thoughts I had
Speakers - After getting home after listening to hundreds of Speakers I came home not knowing what to expect from my poor little ESL's . Now I can Honestly say that these $2400 pair of speakers less in Amazon sound better than speakers priced 10k,20, 40k. Why? well lets start with speakers that amazed me at the show,
Acoustic Zen Cresendo - Insane soundstage and imaging , probably best ive heard at show better than Nola Micro Grand Reference $32k . at an Msrp of $15k . I also heard a pair of tiny Silverline $600dollar speakers that sounded like really expensive speakers. Magnepans New Super MMG sounded Amazing at a $1200 price point. Now to the point, Martin Logan sound is extremely transparent which is all you need , plus the fact that they have good imaging and soundstage, Anything more than the ELS like the Montis adds more realism and thicker sounds , but if you cant afford them then gota stick with ESL's wich are worth every penny . If your Logans don't blow ppl away then upgrade your amplifier atleast 150 Rms Per channel ,
NOW ! , I heard top of the line MBL speakers and left the room after a couple mins , they were just to bright just like B&W . The thing is that as you age you lose your hearing so older folks that review these speakers think they sound good because to them they actually do , the extra brightness evens out their age, Im 30 and Im glad I still have great hearing. I belive that if you put most $50,000 systems you wont be able to tell wich one is the cheaper choice in a blind fold test. Nola , Marting logan elite speakers , Acoustic Zen , Magnepan - B&W - Definitive - The difference between these speakers is subjective , so I you happen to love Martin Logan vs Nola in a blind fold test then you just saved yourself 20k , depending on which Logans you compare.
I am not a professional reviewer but Im not the type to spend money on something that wont give me improvements unless its justified -500 dollar power cable? not for me
My testing was done with A-B-C speaker switcher witch allows me to switch
between sources and even between op amps instantly so you can tell
what the real differences are between different equipment. And I don't know
what source im listening to so I make a real decision on the sound.
This is lengthy but if its needed to get my point across
My attempt is to shed some light for new users or people looking to upgrade.
Current Setup .
-Martin Logan ESL
-Emotiva Xpa-2 - Qsc PLX2 3102 - Crown XLS 1500
-Dayton 10guage Zip Wire ( the one reviewed in Audioholics)
-Dayton Interconnects - might upgrade to bluejeans -
-Asus Xonar essence ST - Advantage 2.2 setup EQ -Direct connection to amp Control of subs and front speakers separately.
-APC Surge protector with -70db noise filter -
-Computer has Xfx 1250W PSU-(seasonic) low ripple
-Pre-amp -NONE!-
-Extra subs - Definitive PF18" amazing clear bass - Definitive PF15" JBL 18" cinema Speaker- In my room the logans bass sometimes is to much but the subs give it that low low response. - subs not used when testing.
My last audio show was "The Show" at Newport ,CA . I actually met Peter Soderberg and spoke to him for a long time . I heard $600 to $130k speakers and I realized that people need to judge speakers before they know the price or brand of them.
After seeing the Amazing review on 6moons of the Asus One - Plus one - and Muse edition I realized that all I needed to do was upgrade my Op Amps and I would achieve what is "considered" great sound from a DAC ,
Many of you ESL users have probably considered the Asus ST/ or STX because of its reviews and low price but probably think that products like Cambridge DacMagic Plus or M2techs Young are superior since they are audiophile brands, After some research I found that the M2tech is considered as good at $10k Dacs for a lot less , After seeing what chip it has as its Decoder I saw that it uses the PCM1795a Which is the same that Asus ONE Uses- Although the Asus ST uses the PCM1792 its pretty much the same .
OP AMP Testing : I decided to use/upgrade the Op Amps on my ST that come with the Xonar One Plus One - the TI – OPA2132 'Input Stage Only"which the reviewer said it was an amazing Dac for the Price and pretty much the same as the Muse edition. After doing on the fly A/B comparisons I found the TI – OPA2132 compared to the Stock 2124D Gave my logans more DB in the Midrange Vocals a instant and more airy extended bass as well as a lot more detailed highs specially on vocalist that say the letter "S" . The Original is a warmer Op Amp . The Soundstage though increased with the 2132 to give my Logans a live sound as well as it centered my Imaging perfectly . But that's because my midrange is louder which makes sense. Remember this is not im my head as I don't know what im listening to I just know what I chose as the better op amp.An advantage of the ST vs any other DAC is that it has an EQ that doesn't degrade quality , I use .05 and 1db increase since I sit less than 10feet from my logans and they are tilted back.

Results are awesome real difference , Do I prefer a live sound compared to a warm tube sound? im my situation YES specially because I increase my imaging . With these results I am tempted in spending $150 for Muse Op Amps - Although the OPA2132's are like 15 bucks and the reviewer said that there is a good difference in the Muse . At this point I trust the reviewer and I trust Asus with their decision making . Verdict is Get this Amazing card , Remember that most 'Considered high end high cost" speakers are overly bright so there will probably not be a need for you to use the EQ settings I used. My last statement is based on all high rated high regarded speakers I listened to at the show. Logans are known for an already powerful midrange - This opamp is perfect so far and until I can get any science facts why anything else is better including records I wont upgrade, But I would love to upgrade to the m2tech because it looks so cool I would lose the ability to do 2.2 setup though unless I use an adapter and I wont be able to control treble unless I get a pre amp.
Amplifier : Emovita Xpa-2 , Crown XLS1500 , QSC PLX2 3102 -
Pretty much sounded the same except for the crown which is brighter and gives you certain dynamic impact on highs , Further A/B testing is needed for me to give you guys any advice on these, I just bought the Emotiva because it looks cool and I wanted to see if it was true that class A/B amps sound better than PA Class D/H amps , The competition is between the QSC and the Emotiva - I will update this later with my final though , If your speakers are not as bright you might love the super light and super small Crown though , the sound is extremely clean and will never clip unless your pushing your logans to the limit. I will take the time and do this testing soon. Remember though switching Op Amps increased my Treble and Vocals , I will give you my opinion soon .
The rest of the post is just extra thoughts I had
Speakers - After getting home after listening to hundreds of Speakers I came home not knowing what to expect from my poor little ESL's . Now I can Honestly say that these $2400 pair of speakers less in Amazon sound better than speakers priced 10k,20, 40k. Why? well lets start with speakers that amazed me at the show,
Acoustic Zen Cresendo - Insane soundstage and imaging , probably best ive heard at show better than Nola Micro Grand Reference $32k . at an Msrp of $15k . I also heard a pair of tiny Silverline $600dollar speakers that sounded like really expensive speakers. Magnepans New Super MMG sounded Amazing at a $1200 price point. Now to the point, Martin Logan sound is extremely transparent which is all you need , plus the fact that they have good imaging and soundstage, Anything more than the ELS like the Montis adds more realism and thicker sounds , but if you cant afford them then gota stick with ESL's wich are worth every penny . If your Logans don't blow ppl away then upgrade your amplifier atleast 150 Rms Per channel ,
NOW ! , I heard top of the line MBL speakers and left the room after a couple mins , they were just to bright just like B&W . The thing is that as you age you lose your hearing so older folks that review these speakers think they sound good because to them they actually do , the extra brightness evens out their age, Im 30 and Im glad I still have great hearing. I belive that if you put most $50,000 systems you wont be able to tell wich one is the cheaper choice in a blind fold test. Nola , Marting logan elite speakers , Acoustic Zen , Magnepan - B&W - Definitive - The difference between these speakers is subjective , so I you happen to love Martin Logan vs Nola in a blind fold test then you just saved yourself 20k , depending on which Logans you compare.
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