Martin Logan Sequel II Panel Replacement needed?

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Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
Fullerton, CA
I just bought a pair of Sequel IIs from the original and well, there is an issue.
Both panels are putting out next to no output in comparison to the woofer. In order to get a decent amount of sound from BOTH of the panels, the volume must be turned up to a point where the bass is unbearable. The panels do not seem to distort, though.

The original owner said he used them only once a month which makes me a bit skeptical that the panels need to be replaced. These speakers were in a house very close to the coast and I wonder if the electronics maybe compromised from 20 years in salt air? Has anyone experienced anything similar and do you think I need to replace the panels? Anything to try before taking the replacement panel plunge?

I wish my first post in this forum could have been praising my new MLs, but sadly it's not the case :(
Were you able to audition them before you bought them? Not to overstate the obvious, but you did plug them into a wall outlet, right? Are the binding straps there? What and how are you providing amplification?
use the serial number decoder to determine how old they are.

Sequel 2s are first generation, so my guess is that they are old.

Being played once a month doesn't mean **** if they were in a harsh environment or weren't taken care of properly. Like Chameleon said.. are you sure they're getting power?

Good luck...
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Yes, they were plugged into the wall, I took the power cords that were plugged into a pair of ReQuests and put it into the Sequels. The ReQuests were bi-amped and so I removed the binding straps. I also tried just a simple connection with the binding straps, too, no change in the sound. I don't think they were used in years before I got them. Both were unplugged and there wasn't an amplifier in sight. I did also pick up an Audio Research SP9 Pre-amp that works with the deal.

Are there fuses inside? Maybe the amplifier could have died at some point and blown the fuses?
there are definitely fuses inside.. Take off the cover behind the panel and you'll see them. Be careful in there..

If the fuses are intact, you should log a call to ML tech support.
I think I may have found the issue... Seems like someone related to the previous owner sprayed the panels with pledge or something along those lines. I felt a certain stickiness and when I took a damp towel to the panels I quickly noticed the paper towel was black. I wiped down the wood and the same black came off on the paper towel. I'm going to give the panels a bath and see if they sing after that. If they don't, I'll be ordering new panels.
I called Martin Logan and I was told that my power supplies may be bad. $200 each replacement, has anyone had to replace the power supplies in their MLs?
So if you wiped down the panels and got lots of gunk off, i can't imagine what the actual diaphram is like. I bet it's covered in crud too..

If it were me, I'd get new panels too.. actually if it were me, I would've steered clear of those and gotten something in better condition, but it seems like you're already past that point..

btw, be careful with the black that comes off the wood.. It's toxic paint called nextel.
Well, Tom, once the crud is off and I get new panels I will have a great pair of speakers in mint condition. Cosmetically, besides the gunk they are indeed mint. I got them with a mint, working ARC SP9 Pre-Amp and the deal only cost me $250 total, so no regrets here.

If I have to replace the panels, but I don't believe in spending $650-$700 for panels if my power supplies are dead. ML quoted me $200 each for those. I will be taking them in to my local tech sometime this week and I will report back with my findings.

Luckily for me, I have light oak rails, they are very beautiful.

So, I'll ask my question again, has anyone here had to replace the power supplies in their MLs?
Chris, once you get everything working, check my system thread (post #19 and following) to see how to improve the SP9.
Yep.. that is a rockin' deal. nice score.

Well, Tom, once the crud is off and I get new panels I will have a great pair of speakers in mint condition. Cosmetically, besides the gunk they are indeed mint. I got them with a mint, working ARC SP9 Pre-Amp and the deal only cost me $250 total, so no regrets here.

If I have to replace the panels, but I don't believe in spending $650-$700 for panels if my power supplies are dead. ML quoted me $200 each for those. I will be taking them in to my local tech sometime this week and I will report back with my findings.

Luckily for me, I have light oak rails, they are very beautiful.

So, I'll ask my question again, has anyone here had to replace the power supplies in their MLs?
Are there lights on the front of those things, and do they come on?
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Chris, once you get everything working, check my system thread (post #19 and following) to see how to improve the SP9.

Doesn't one of the other SPs have a stepped volume pot? I think I'd rather sell my SP9 and upgrade for a couple hundred to a stock ARC with the stepped volume control already built in... If I keep the SP9, I'll definitely upgrade the tubes and if I can't salvage the MLs (which is not in the plan!), I'll part them out and basically would end up with a free SP9.
Are there lights on the front of those things, and do they come on?

No lights that I can see. It would have been smart if they were included.. There's no way I'm going to pay $400 for power supplies, I'll take them to a tech or wait for someone to part out a pair of Sequel IIs before I would do that.
Doesn't one of the other SPs have a stepped volume pot? I think I'd rather sell my SP9 and upgrade for a couple hundred to a stock ARC with the stepped volume control already built in... If I keep the SP9, I'll definitely upgrade the tubes and if I can't salvage the MLs (which is not in the plan!), I'll part them out and basically would end up with a free SP9.
My SP9 originally had a potentiometer with detents. It was just an ordinary potentiometer with physical detents; it was not a stepped attenuator (like the DACT) that uses discrete resistors. I don't know what the other ARC "SP" preamps were fitted with, but I doubt that they were stepped attenuators.
RE-panel replacement

Had the same problem with my sequel II power supplies. They are relatively simple
designs. Likely the transformer went out, possibly an open zener in the "regulator",
caused it. I have extra transformers, rest of parts are off the shelf.
I'd agree with the above, If the stators got polished they're toast. Even if not,
after 20 yrs, past expiration date.