0) Music has become a lot more important to me.
1) My musical tastes have changed somewhat because certain genres and types of music are recorded with superior quality, or can, by their nature, sound more life-like.
2) Upgrades happen.
3) Psycho-acoustics exist. The problem with ears is that there is too much mind between them which messes with ears: unreliable data. There is nothing wrong with the scientific method if used appropriately.
4) A glass of wine at the end of a good day is an effective tweak to make any system sound better. This tweak is cumulative i.e. two glasses of wine are more effective than one. The scientific method does not work with this tweak.
5) Furniture and environment are important. I enjoy music most when I am at ease and comfortable.
6) I can't listen and post (or read or talk or eat or ...) at the same time. Curiously enough, I can listen, and relax in a comfy chair, and sip wine, all at the same time.
7) Most cable discussions are a waste of my time. Especially those about cable burn-in.
8) My listening room in Houston was probably close to ideal for stereo.
9) Vantages have integration issues. As much as I love them, I still want panels that go down to 60Hz or lower (aka full range panels).
10) I used to laugh about audiophiles who'd rather listen to their system than live music. I'm beginning to understand them.