So you've upgraded from Montis to 13A's? That's just the upgrade I've been thinking about.
I'd be really curious to see how the new ones sound compared to the Montis.
Are the 13A's noticeably larger in the room than the Montis?
I got the 13A's unboxed and set up last night.
From a profile view, they are much larger than the Montis. For example, I was able to put my 2 Montis into one single 13A box. Then all of the packing materials into the other 13A box. So the 13A's are about double the depth of the Montis.
I should add that I do have my original Montis boxes, but they are in the attic and I really had no time for that adventure as getting the 13A's connected was my first priority.

So I covered the Montis and put them both into one 13A box. lol.
From the front, the 13A's are only slightly wider and a bit taller.
In my set up, with the space I kept my Montis from my back wall, the back of the 13A's are now close to the back wall, but the panel is still about where I used to keep Montis.
With the woofer enclosure being so deep now, it is probably a good thing as it keeps users from putting the speaker panels too close to the back wall. I'm sure you keep your Montis front panel a few feet from the back wall. That empty space would simply be occupied by the 13A's woofer enclosure.
They were daunting out of the box, but when placed, not a HUGE difference. But a noticeable difference none the less. Even the Mrs. thinks they look better than the Montis after they were placed. She was nervous when I took them out of the box.
Your mileage may vary on this, depending on your set up.
I hope my description made sense. I will try to get a pic for you tonight if you need.