Is Summit to be discontinued?

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Well, it may seem odd for ML to withdraw a successful speaker. They must have reasons and I speculate that we will be in for a surprise when the Summit X arrives.

I've had a number of people that tell me they prefer the Spire to the Summit. I can't readily say since I haven't heard the two in very similar circumstances. But to my ears the CLX is far superior than the Summit and I heard both in the same room using the same equipment.
Have to concur with Jeff and Jerry.

Question for Jeff or others who may have the inside line on the "X" version. Is the panel size going to remain the same? What are the other differences between the current model and the "X" version?

That's the stuff that can't be made public yet, but Devin Zell at ML did say that they "scrapped the CAD drawings" on the original Summit, so I would anticipate something exciting.

It will probably all be made public right after the CES show in early January, that's when a lot of mfrs. make announcements...
half a clx?

I hope there is no CLX price increase in the works. Many think the CLX is out of their league and might see a smaller less expensive version more tolerable. Although I am in pursuit of the CLX ,$20k + tax and another amp is a jagged pill to swallow. A price increase would definitely push me in the used market.
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