Totally agree Fishman.
Here's my perspective on our wonderful hobby.
Assuming people have discretionary cash to spend, each individual decides what their personal priorities are.
For some it's travelling, cars, boats, art, horses or whatever.
When people ask me why I've chosen to invest money into my audio system, I turn the question around and ask them how much time they spend enjoying their personal choice.
Someone who owns a boat may say that they spend 200 hours per year on the water and they love every minute. I typically respond by saying I enjoy my investment in audio anywhere from 10 to 20 hours per week.
Using 15 hours per week as my average, that equates to 750 to 800 hours per year.
Amoritize the investment over that annual period versus someone spending an equal amount of money enjoying their hobby 25% of the total time when compared to my annual hours, it seems to make alot more sense.
I'm sure you all have your personal examples but if you use time spent versus dollars spent, the investment, at least for me, is well worthwhile.