I just bought a Bose System!

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Jul 8, 2006
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Huntsville, Alabama

That's right: my new whole house audio system is a Bose!

Actually, the house came with a hardwired 70 volt Bose Pro Audio system, with a Bose 102 system controller, a TOA amp, and about a dozen Bose 102 speakers. The system is about twenty years old and finally bit the dust recently. I am pretty sure the amp is the problem. But I decided to go ahead and upgrade the whole system, and got a quote on a Sonos wireless system. To replace all that the current system can do, the quote was 10 grand!

So I called Bose and found out I can just replace the system controller and the amp with a new all-in-one digital unit for about $700 and plug-and-play simplicity. This will work fine for me. The system is just for background music and the speakers, as old as they are, still sound fine. So, with one phone call, I will get my system back up and running and save $9000 in the process. Here is the a link to the product, if anyone is interested: FreeSpace® DXA 2120 Digital Mixer/Amplifier
Admit it Rich, the Bose system sold you the house:D

We all suspected you were partial to it. And we all know you haven't really got any MLs. Just big Bose boxes. Otherwise you would have surely posted your system by now.


I didn't think you could spend 10k on Sonos stuff, it's pretty reasonable..

Yeah, you wouldn't think so. The problem is that this is a whole-house system in a 6000 square foot house, with speakers in lots of different rooms on three floors, as well as several locations outside. And the Sonos gear pretty much requires a separate amp for each two speakers and the amps are $500 a pop. So it adds up pretty quickly in a setup like this. The quoted system included 9 zone player / amps and 16 speakers.

They also quoted me a Crestron system to cover the same area and it came in almost exactly double what the Sonos did.

Given all that, I am quite thrilled to be able to just replace the controller/amp with an updated model for 1/10th the cost of the Sonos and be done with it.
Admit it Rich, the Bose system sold you the house:D

You got it, Justin. This system Blose everything else out of the water. :ROFL:

We all suspected you were partial to it. And we all know you haven't really got any MLs. Just big Bose boxes. Otherwise you would have surely posted your system by now.



What?!? I could have sworn I posted my system last year. Let me check on that and get back to you . . . ;)
Rich, I'm still choking ...

Even for background music, I'd think one might want better than Bose (or any in-ceiling speaker).

But then, since we REALLY don't know what your REAL system is like, maybe it doesn't matter to you :devil:
You will impress some visitors with that Bose system, but they will be people who have never heard of Martin Logan.;)

You did the right thing, keep your life as simple as possible.
Id listen to AM radio out of an alarm clock before BUYING BLOSE!
Since this seems to be a Bose-come out of the closet thread.... I have Bose as well.....:) Again, like Rich, I bought the house and the speakers were all ready in the living room and the wires run in the wall... My ML system is in the mancave downstairs.. The beauty of the Bose system is it really makes you appreciate your MLs... !!!
In my defense, this isn't the run-of-the-mill consumer-grade Bose stuff. It's the Bose Pro Audio line, which is what they sell to churches, restaurants, grocery stores, etc. for streaming audio.

And for whole-house background music, I'll take an upgrade to a system that works adequately for $700 over a new system that is perhaps slightly better for $10,000, any day of the week. That $9,000 of savings is enough to cover the cost of the Wadia 781i that I recently purchased for the system that actually matters.
i too must admit that i have 2 bose 201's for rears in my living room HT. my wife had them when we met, and i reciently had a set of Yamaha's die that were my rears. im slightly ashamed, but must admit i dont get critical of my rear channels while watching movies, i really only scrutinize the center and mains and honestly all my critical listening is in the realm of music. the only time i can complain is during that occasional multi-channel music event...which is rare. i did have the 5.1 mix of halloween in yesterday and found totally enjoyable despite the blose bringing up the rear.
I've heard pretty fair Bose sound before but I had been drinking.

The commercial stuff ain't that bad, I've sat though a presentation once at my old architecture office. What ever they found to compare it to was worse than Bose, that's all I know for sure.
Rich, will we be seeing pictures of your secondary Bose system soon? You still owe us pictures of your main Bose system. :)
I am getting a real inferiority complex here!

My beloved Bose 10.2's are the laugh of the town and my beloved Lexicon is accused of repackaging the Oppo and ripping off the unaware.

But on a brighter note: This is my 100th post:cheers: And it only took 2 yrs & 4 months - No one can accuse me of lurking;)
Could you sue the previous owner for Hidden Defects?

With the money you could buy something good.:music:
I can't remember the reference

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [to Igor] Now that brain that you gave me. Was it Hans Delbruck's?

Igor: [pause, then] No.

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Ah! Very good. Would you mind telling me whose brain I DID put in?

Igor: Then you won't be angry?

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: I will NOT be angry.

Igor: Abby Someone.

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [pause, then] Abby Someone. Abby who?

Igor: Abby Normal.

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [pause, then] Abby Normal?

Igor: I'm almost sure that was the name.

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [chuckles, then] Are you saying that I put an abnormal brain into a seven and a half foot long, fifty-four inch wide GORILLA?

[grabs Igor and starts throttling him]

Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Is that what you're telling me?