Tools of the trade
Jim Powers was a big help. He suggested Silicone Caulk as an adhesive.
Those of you with "skills" can do a much better job of soldering and gluing.
If you decide to glue the inside wire (recommended by me)you need to be careful not to insulate the wire completely with glue.
Pry the panels apart a little at a time. I pryed them open to far because, I was planning to solder and needed room to get the iron in without melting any thing. Additionally when you pry open the panels, I suggest a standard flat edge screw driver. The panels should come apart leaving the Mylar diaphragm bonded to the foam ( the joint is stronger than the surrounding foam) When you glue it back together you should be bonding foam to foam.
When soldering the outside wires we used the original solder. We used new solder to bind the wire to the old solder which bonded to the stator.
Leave the panels clamped together overnight. You can test the panel to see if it is playable without putting it back in the frame. Just plug in the power and speaker cord. Then plug the little plastic block back onto the circuit board.
Make sure you do this correctly. I did it wrong and thought the repair had failed. (I also got a little shock. No danger. To be safe plug in the power cord last.) Just glue one side. The pressure of the panels will hold it in place. Use "C" clamps of your choice.
Be gentle putting the wires thought the hole in the frame. Again,care is needed puttings the panel in the frame , The frame will also ad additional support.
Here' hoping you never need to do this.