So you've been using MLs for a number of years. Or you've bought some second hand, but knew the age of the panels.
Approximately how long did your panels last before you hand trouble/needed to replace them?
If you've saved your panels by washing them, or doing some other kind of renovation, how old were they when you did so?
I've been meaning to raise this poll for a long time. Some real world data might even help ML, though I guess they have a pretty good picture of how long they really last from replacement panel orders.
What this thread may do is give people a good idea of how long they really do last. From it, they ought to be able to ascertain whether they wish to make a purchase or not. A CLX or Summit X is an expensive speaker, after all, and some may consider essential panel replacement after a certain likely lifetime to be a major hindrance to actually buying a pair in the first place.
Please don't let this thread de-generate into a Sanders life time warranty versus the lack thereof via ML argument. We've been there and made all the salient points already.
Potentially a very interesting thread if life expectancy actually turns out to be much shorter (or even greater) than most expected. We'll see
Multiple votes are allowed in case you've been through a few panels, but that only kinda works if they've lasted different time periods
Additionally, please don't vote if you have simply damaged them by accident! Pretty obvious, really.