So I bought a pair of Stylos, cheap. They were not working, but we just suspected a power supply was the problem.
I got two transformers from ML, really nice people, and I have a very capable guy that changed out the old ones and then put in the new ones.
After that, we found out the woofers had been fried (they were like they were stuck, and hard as a rock), so again, two new woofers from ML, installed them. This whole time my guy is saying yes this is the problem, we get the power transformers swapped out the woofers, and you are good to go.
So, he thinks they are done, take them home, and the music only plays through the woofer. He takes a look at them, and says there is a diode that is bad, keeps for a while, and says he does not have time to chase it down without more detailed schematics (ML was nice enough to send me what they have).
I hate to call it a loss, and really like the idea of hanging it on the wall. But they are $350 per board from ML, and that kind of makes where I just could have bought a working pair for much less.
Question is, does anyone know anywhere I could send the circuit board to get repaired? Or any information that might help my guy chase down the bad diode?
Any help is appreciated.
I got two transformers from ML, really nice people, and I have a very capable guy that changed out the old ones and then put in the new ones.
After that, we found out the woofers had been fried (they were like they were stuck, and hard as a rock), so again, two new woofers from ML, installed them. This whole time my guy is saying yes this is the problem, we get the power transformers swapped out the woofers, and you are good to go.
So, he thinks they are done, take them home, and the music only plays through the woofer. He takes a look at them, and says there is a diode that is bad, keeps for a while, and says he does not have time to chase it down without more detailed schematics (ML was nice enough to send me what they have).
I hate to call it a loss, and really like the idea of hanging it on the wall. But they are $350 per board from ML, and that kind of makes where I just could have bought a working pair for much less.
Question is, does anyone know anywhere I could send the circuit board to get repaired? Or any information that might help my guy chase down the bad diode?
Any help is appreciated.