Help Me Choose My Next System

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New member
May 22, 2018
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Orland Park, Illinois
I'm currently in a situation upgrade my system one last time for a while.. I was hoping to get feedback since I don't see this particular speaker on this forum much, unless I'm missing it.

Currently I have a pair of motion 40s (which are for sale in the classified section!) and I am in between:

System 1:

Fronts: ESL-X
Center: ESL-C
Sub: Dynamo 1000
AVR: Marantz SR7008
Pre-Amp: Marantz MM7025 (Really need some feedback on if it would be beneficial to run the ESL-X through a preamp)

System 2:

Fronts: Motion 60
Center: Motion 50XT
Sub: Dynamo 1000
Rears: Motion 4 (upgrading from my motion 2)
AVR: Marantz SR7008
No Pre-Amp

My situation is that I am moving into the city with my wife in August, I know we won't ALWAYS be able to take advantage of the loudness of the system, but I'm sure at times we will. A lot of times we wills it down and watch a movie, a lot of times we will hangout and listen to music, sitting down or up and around cooking, etc. She loves the look of the speakers, so there is no issue there. I know that not having a picture of the room will deter some responses, but if you could imagine, it'll likely be an 800 sq ft apartment in the city.. nothing major but I am looking to buy now as I have recently rejoined a retail company that offers a good deal on these speakers (that's how I got into ML since I was 19 years old).

My LAST predicament is that I can wait a bit and save up for the ESL 9s... I know there are in a different class and it's hard to compare them but I would lose that ability to purchase a center channel for a while which is pretty important to me. If this forum can generate some responses to sell me on the ESL 9's over the ESL Xs I will highly consider it. I've had people essentially **** on the ESL-Xs saying they aren't worth the money... but I don't know

Thanks in advance. Mac
Hi Mac, given the size of the new location, I'd advise sticking to the the Motion line, especially since the ever-critical center would be a challenge otherwise. So your System 2 setup should work well there. Just remember to engage the Low Frequency Containment option to not get calls from neighbors ;-)

ESL's in general require space and room treatments to set up well. So not advisable in an 800 sq ft apartment. But one can get surprisingly good results from a well chosen and set-up dynamic system. Check out my secondary system in a tiny room:
Thanks for the feedback Jonathan. My issue is that I'm also looking for a future investment as well. I get the speakers at a really good price and my thought process is taking me to the point where when I am into a larger home, I have the speakers to justify the space. But I don't know. I'm still all over the place. It's good to hear your feedback
Well... I'm stupid so.... take this with a grain of salt..... I always try to buy the best possible speaker I can buy.... and that is for 2 channel.... Awhile back - I had odysseys on my front/left - and used paradigm models for center / rears if I was going to watch a movie.... I then later separated my HT and stereo listening into two systems.... and brought my paradigm mini monitors back to the fronts.... But, honestly, I just don't care too much about HT... If the system creates space and lets bombs go off - and I have no issues with dialogue -- I'm good to go.

My logic is simply this.... Don't buy twice.... buy what you want - and what you can afford - then in a year or so - if you need a really nice center - get it to match up to your nice Front/Left.... If you move to a bigger space - bam - no need to repurchase again.... My 2 cents.
I pretty well echo timm's comments except I buy well below what I can afford. I buy where I see the right value but also where I won't regret my purchase and want to upgrade later.

I have a Definitive Surround sound system with Velodyne subwoofer driven by an AV receiver and I'm perfectly happy with it. As long as it's immersive and the bombs go boooooom! I'm happy.

I keep my stereo in the den separate from my HT. it's a different space that I use differently.

The only exception was that I set my VR system up in the den briefly to play Beat Saber with my real stereo going. It was very nice but also very temporary.

BTW Beat Saber is an exceptionally well done music based game where you have a blue and red light saber and cut through blocks in the direction of the arrow on each block that is choreographed to the beat of the music. It has the highest rating of any game on Steam and is the top selling VR game on the market.

This gives you an idea. It is a BLAST and can be a pretty good workout too!

The only thing wrong with this video is that the walls don't look right when he is on the left side of the wall.

Gangnam Style

Imagine Dragons Thunder
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