New member
Hi there and thanks for the add.
Just a quick hello and introduction: I’m an old-timer with about 45 years in the hobby and counting.
I recently bought a pair of Impression 11a that I still haven’t quite dialed in yet. So I’ll probably post at some point looking for ideas on how best to drive these puppies, but I will do some reading and research first.
I also just bought a pair of Monolith II in need of a restoration. I’ve only had them a week so I’m still at the reading and research stage, but no doubt I’ll be along asking questions quite soon
I may actually just try to move them along to someone younger and with more time and patience than I have.
Otherwise I’m primarily into vinyl and tend to change out gear on a regular basis.
Just a quick hello and introduction: I’m an old-timer with about 45 years in the hobby and counting.
I recently bought a pair of Impression 11a that I still haven’t quite dialed in yet. So I’ll probably post at some point looking for ideas on how best to drive these puppies, but I will do some reading and research first.
I also just bought a pair of Monolith II in need of a restoration. I’ve only had them a week so I’m still at the reading and research stage, but no doubt I’ll be along asking questions quite soon
Otherwise I’m primarily into vinyl and tend to change out gear on a regular basis.