HDMI switching pre / processor

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Hey Joe, before you start throwing stones go back and read the post. Everything you said about True HD sound and whatever else is out there is correct and I know it is. He asked if he DID NOT have HDMI inputs into the Pre and instead used an outboard HDMI switcher how would he get True HD, etc! HE WOULD NOT! Unless it is magically being transferred through the air! It DOES require an HDMI cable to get those! My understanding is that mult. ch. analog DOES NOT pass those on...nor optical or analog digital outs...

And further I don't give a crap WHY one company does not handshake with another companies gear, just that it does or does NOT as is the case many times! That is/was the point in the beginning of this thread. From what I have read v1.3 compliant gear will do a MUCH better job with that. So bite me Joe! :)

He won't... That is why you need to wait for 1.3.

To answer the post that followed, 1.3 is supposed to take care of the many, many bugs that have infected earlier versions of HDMI that make is so that many pieces won't see each other or at least won't speak the same language to each other. When my Sony 70" RPTV arrived the guys setting it up were glad to see my HDMI was out of a DirecTV box as they don't have problems w/ those. They said when a receiver is sending the signal or it is coming from a T/W cable box the TV often won't see it or respond properly to it and/or the system will require frequent resets.... SUCK!

1.3 WON'T be perfect of that you can be sure, but it will be MUCH BETTER than what is current....

I'm not throwing stones, not yet any way.

Point is get your facts strait if you want to talk about some thing like you know what you’re talking about.

And don’t tell people that 1.3 will fix's bugs and handshaking problems it more then likely will not.
And don’t tell people that 1.3 will fix's bugs and handshaking problems it more then likely will not.

I am not an EE nor do I play one on TV but every time I pick up a Sound and Vision, or Digital TV, or whatever other magazine is out there talking about HDMI they all say there are problems w/ the current version and that 1.3 is the proposed panacea. Clearly there will STILL be problems, but I don't build or test the stuff I just read about it and when you are reading stuff that says the current gear is not great in execution but very good in theory and the next version (isn't it ALWAYS the next version?) will be better, well, call me a believer. All I can do is take the "experts" at their word... So, that being the case, I would wait for HDMI 1.3 if not 2.X.
Anyone have any suggestions on a Preamplifier / processor that will do HDMI switching? I am looking to spend about 1,000.00 to 1,200.00. Used is Ok.


I checked by Pioneer Elite VSX-74TVi, it does HDMI switching (1.2) and has line out for hooking up to your Sunfire amps. Mine switches between two inputs but the current models switch more. They also can process SACD and DVD-A via the HDMI from the DVD player. This year's price is almost less than I paid at year end close out when I got mine, also the power rating is meaningless to you since you have outboard power amps. You know where the house is and can stop by anytime if you want to take a closer look.

Thanks Burk for the heads up, but I think I am going to wait for 1.3 to come out. I just spent all my money on 2 new monoblock amps. :music:

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