Has anyone ever heard MBL speakers?

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Robert D

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Jul 21, 2020
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I did not even know that such speakers existed on earth! Looks like alien technology. Reviews on them are very good. I cant even find how much they cost. Probably insane?
Found a site that sells them, seems to be Sweedish. The cost converts to $ 237,055.70 USD!!:whistle:

Amazes me that there are people that can afford to spend so much. I think that is just for one speaker too. A pair of those speakers cost more than my house! I dont even want to know how much those amps and the other equipment costs.
I think they are cool AF.. love how they look.. like some sort of alien power technology. Never had the pleasure of hearing them and glad of that, because no way in hell i could ever afford them.
The MBL 101 X-treme are $265,000 pr. The Bass Towers $157,000 and throw in about $220,000 for amps and you are good to go.

Try to listen to them sometime. They are quite stunning. Be carful where you place them the speakers weigh 3600lb a pair.
Each power amp has 2 power cords so you might need to figure in some electrical work.

Not sure where you are but the largest dealer for MBL is Suncoast Audio here in Florida located in Sarasota. Mike is an amazing dealer if you need anything. I have no connection to him nor have i purchased from him.

He owns a great web site called AudioShark. That said this is still the first place I come to see what is new. Hope I didn't violate any ML laws here.
1800 lbs each speaker! Wow. Id probably not have to worry about a thief breaking into my home and stealing them.

I wonder if the owner might have to increase the floor support or otherwise suffer sag in the joists! Maybe best to put them on a slab foundation.
The MBL 101 X-treme are $265,000 pr. The Bass Towers $157,000 and throw in about $220,000 for amps and you are good to go.

Try to listen to them sometime. They are quite stunning. Be carful where you place them the speakers weigh 3600lb a pair.
Each power amp has 2 power cords so you might need to figure in some electrical work.

Not sure where you are but the largest dealer for MBL is Suncoast Audio here in Florida located in Sarasota. Mike is an amazing dealer if you need anything. I have no connection to him nor have i purchased from him.

He owns a great web site called AudioShark. That said this is still the first place I come to see what is new. Hope I didn't violate any ML laws here.
I figured the over $ 200,000 included the base towers. That site i found was selling it for a bit over $235k. So thats for a pair and not for each speaker?

You heard them. Is the sound really that amazing?
I did at Axpona at the old site a few years ago. I talked to the setup crew and they were at it for a week. I asked how sakes was and they said fantastic they sold 2 systems in the US over the last year. They said Asia and Mid East are the hot spots.
They brought in a violinist to hear it specifically when I was there. I assumed he was interested but never heard if he purchased. I could not sit in his sweet spot but I was directly behind one row back.
I agree I think they look super cool and like most of us will never afford. In order to do it right the equipment is just part of the cost a dedicated purposeful room would also need to be constructed along with proper grounding, acoustic treatments and cables. That would probably almost double the cost of just the speakers with amps.
Couple of observations:

1. Not real fond of turn key systems which you would most likely be forced to do with a MBL. Some may like that but me not so much.

2. The sound was good but I got to tell you I was not blown away. Not sure I can point to something better and maybe my expectations were to high. Also have not had tons of experience of listening to very very high end systems.
If someone gave me a pair, I'd sell them. Use the cash to pay off the remainder of our mortgage and then by a set of ML CLX art!
I don't know guys. I'm relatively sure that I saw an ad for these in one of the audio rags. They didn't do anything for me then, and they don't do anything for me now. Sure, I'd be happy to listen to them, but even if they were priced at the same price point as my ESL 15A's, they just aren't for me. Then again, maybe if I had a dedicated room on the Starship Enterprise...
Well they are way beyond a 15A in my opinion but just not sure I would go that way. If I had the money I would certainly tour a lot of speakers and they would be on my short list
Well they are way beyond a 15A in my opinion but just not sure I would go that way. If I had the money I would certainly tour a lot of speakers and they would be on my short list
Please don't take me wrong, as I am not trying to directly compare them to my 15's. I'm just saying that they do absolutely nothing for me 'visually'. Trust me, there are lots of super high dollar items that I lust for. These just don't do anything for me. Just one man's opinion...
I've heard a number of MBL setups over the years (from the most expensive floorstanders, down to the small stand-mounted). Overall, they were very impressive, albeit driven with uber expensive MBL gear. They present a more diffuse soundstage, with crystalline mids and highs, and very musical. Contrary to ML's with narrow sweet spots, the MBL's sound fairly consistent even when listening off-axis. The Muraudio omnidirectional hybrid stat speakers have a similar sonic presentation. If/when audio shows return, they definitely deserve a listen, even if you wouldn't ever buy a pair! From my perspective, ML's offer the perfect combination of musicality, WAF, and value!
I've heard a number of MBL setups over the years (from the most expensive floorstanders, down to the small stand-mounted). Overall, they were very impressive, albeit driven with uber expensive MBL gear. They present a more diffuse soundstage, with crystalline mids and highs, and very musical. Contrary to ML's with narrow sweet spots, the MBL's sound fairly consistent even when listening off-axis. The Muraudio omnidirectional hybrid stat speakers have a similar sonic presentation. If/when audio shows return, they definitely deserve a listen, even if you wouldn't ever buy a pair! From my perspective, ML's offer the perfect combination of musicality, WAF, and value!
Yes, value or price is what holds most of us back! Going off track to another brand.. I've never given Magnepan a serious look, and they are priced even lower than ML. Anyone here ever own a pair and switch to ML, or vise versa?
The MBLs are Omni-directional speakers...... So remember that only a VERY SMALL percentage of the sound emanating from them is getting to your ears directly. Most of it is being bounced around the room. So guess what? You'd better have a really nice sounding room too. You need to have proper broadband diffusion and absorption to make the system sound great. And since these big speakers need a big room, the treatment of the room won't be cheap. Oh.... plus it should look really nice, as long as you're spending hundreds of $K's on the system. I've heard them many times at shows. Beautiful sounding... clean, clear, room filling, but too diffuse for me. Not the best choice for rock or pop music. More amazing with classical & big band.
The MBLs are Omni-directional speakers...... So remember that only a VERY SMALL percentage of the sound emanating from them is getting to your ears directly. Most of it is being bounced around the room. So guess what? You'd better have a really nice sounding room too. You need to have proper broadband diffusion and absorption to make the system sound great. And since these big speakers need a big room, the treatment of the room won't be cheap. Oh.... plus it should look really nice, as long as you're spending hundreds of $K's on the system. I've heard them many times at shows. Beautiful sounding... clean, clear, room filling, but too diffuse for me. Not the best choice for rock or pop music. More amazing with classical & big band.
With the sound being emitted omnidirectional, doesn't that mimic a live performance? To me that would sound most realistic. Aren't those reflections what you would experience if the actual band was in the room playing? That's one thing about this that confuses me.

Is it more like we are trying to replicate the sound in the recording studio rather than a live performance?
Yes, value or price is what holds most of us back! Going off track to another brand.. I've never given Magnepan a serious look, and they are priced even lower than ML. Anyone here ever own a pair and switch to ML, or vise versa?

I once owned Magnepan MG-12s. Nice sounding speaker. You absolutely need a sub. I like my current Montis quite a bit more though.