New to this site. Hi all. Thought I would pass on some information based on the fact that I now have a brand new set of Requests.
I have a set of Requests that as of yesterday have brand new panels and woofers right from Kansas.
There is no question that the treble in the older panels had some attenuated. It was the most obvious difference I heard from the new panels with music sources I have heard a million times. Holy frig these speakers sound good.
The bass with the new woofers was for the most part the same other than being slightly muted as the woofers need about 100 hours to break in. PLEASANTLY SURPRISED to find out the woofer in the Requests is the same woofer used, in an array, in the ML Statement 2s which cost in the area of $100,000.
The biggest difference/improvement of all though was having about $600 worth of MIT caps, better internal wiring, and better internal woofer cabinet damping done about a month or two ago. Due to the MIT caps and better wiring, (I assume) the image localization difference was night and day. Front to back to back and side to side and way past beyond the left of the left speaker and the right of the right speaker. The whole stage opened right up and was noticeably more focussed.
Some other info I would like to pass on.
I over the period of a few months auditioned 5 or 6 power amps in my listening room. I was able to listen to each for a week or so.
Everything from a Rogue ST90 tube amp, the worst and most useless of the lot trying to drive the Requests, to an OCM 500, nice, a 4b, nice but kinda bright, and a few others.
There is no question that the Krell KSA 250 which is now and will always be here with my Requests is the amp that sounds best, never comes close to sounding like it is running out of power, and took control of the woofers during busy heavy bass passages like no other. ( I am talking about what I could afford in the used market. I know there might be better amps out there but for my budget the KSA 250 does the job in spades.)
I read on this site that the Requests were voted best midrange in the world in the 1990s regardless of price. I am not doubting the statement but if anyone knows where I can read this I would be very greatful.
I am sure I will have more to say at some point and hope to hear back from anyone who cares to comment.
NOTE:Comments either in agreement or disagreement are most welcome. I am a believer in free speech. I am not a believer in political correctness. Simply because you can not have both, they are not compatable. The point is nothing you will say will hurt my feelings so if I am wrong about anything or have misspoken about anything feel free to say what you feel.