Not having heard them (and owning a Meridian amp), I am very interested to hear your opinions. What do they sound like?
Since I have some time off before starting a new job, I just went down the local hi-fi shop. I was pretty shocked to see they have gone much "higher end" during a recession - full of high end Chord and Meridian gear - plus some high end displays.
Anyway, I have just (within half an hour) heard the Meridian 808i.2 and DSP7200s... using an album I know like the back of my hand - The Cure's 17 Seconds.
They definately didn't suck. But the respective cost is high - around £17K for the speakers and £8000 for the player, but the speakers are active. Personally, I think you can do better for less, but the package is very clean and nicely presented. Good if you want a nice simple setup with minimal wiring. More of a wealthy person's "not entirely an enthusiast" package rather than maximum bang per buck slightly hard pressed audiophile setup.
It's a nice lifestyle product, with a very nice remote controller. And the sound is detailed and well resolved with no nasties. I think they'd work well in smallish rooms, too, since they are quite a reasonable size and won't dominate.
I'd take a Spire/Krell S300i/some good CD 2-3K player over it and hit about £13K if I was in the market for an "all new" system. But then I like stats alot.
So, Bob Stuart, not too bad after all
Better than the last time I heard the DSP speakers many years ago.