Once upon a time the Aerius was a new model (I know, long time ago). The first time I heard them was at the Ramada show in London, hooked up to some Audio Research V140s (about £12K at the time!!!). Result? Gobsmacked.
So I bought a pair from Oxford Audio - which they delivered to me. Hooked 'em up. Result? Not gobsmacked! I didn't have 12Ks worth of AR amps.
They were still excellent, though.
My Vantage demo at Oxford Audio was terrible. They sounded truely awful through a Krell. They later claimed they were faulty - they must have been. The Summit demo was great, using the same amp, but to my mind AR tube or tube hybrid amps will blow Krells away when driving MLs.
The Vantages will sound good but for the same money consider some 2nd hand Odyssey's if you have a larger listening room. They will blow the Vantages away...
If not then the Vantages could be a good option. Maybe see if you can get some used, and CHECK THEM OUT before you buy then to make sure they are working 100%.
If you need any help, drop me a PM.