Well, on top of the ML's I have owned over the years, I have also owned Thiel CS6's, just ten months ago B&W802d's which I owned for a few years, and up until last Thursday night Revel Ultima Studio 2's. They were all very good speakers, however...not a single one of them approaches the ML realism of the performer(s) in your room. With the Summit X's I achieve that "spooky" effect of feeling like you could literally remove the speaker from the room because there is nothing coming from it. The music and vocal is simply "in" your room! You literally feel like you can reach out and touch it! The Thiels could define a soundstage, but with such listening fatigue they were painful. The B&W's were dynamic, but were hopeless at disappearing in the three rooms I had used them in. The Revels were an all around good product...but still fell incredibly short of the ML's "you are there" illusion!!! One thing as well that I have to whole heartedly disagree with is their inability to play rock. They have unbelievable bass in my room, one that works with anything from Diana Krall Live in Paris, to Billion Dollar Babies, to Their Satanic Majesty's Request (Stones). They shine on some of the old Roxy Music discs like nothing I have ever owned as well!! I guess until I can convince the wife that having CLX's in our living room would be an interesting conversation piece, these are it for me!!