Decided to torture myself some more by testing some other IC's

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Decided to torture myself

twich54 Good evening. Yes, and to a small degree I believe that I can not only hear the brightness, but in an unexplainable way "sense" the sound as being a little more detailed. Whether or not I audibly am hearing a difference is a matter of which disc I put on and also when I am listening, morning or evening. I generally think I hear more detail, and depth, and a better soundstage at 3:00 A.M. than at 3:00 P.M. Go figure? (And its not the smoke from the incense stick I wrote about in another thread) I must add that with the copper, the sound is a little bit "against" the wall, where as the silver kind of keeps it between the speakers and each instrument, like it seems "separate" from the others around them. I heard it when I put in those Silver types from Signal. To give you an example: Lyle Lovett's Joshua, Judges, Ruth disc with selection "Church" gave more clarity to the position of the singers, and more of a "being there" as they performaned. I hope this has helped a little, as you know its only one mans opinion, and after 200 rock concerts, and being a d.j., I am hardly an authority on speaker evaluation. Best of luck though with your choices....
Decided to torture myself

DTB300 Happy New Year. Would you be interested in checking out a pair of interconnects in a blind test? I could mail a pair to you and you give us your opinion, and how they match up against others that you have heard? We compare price, performance, plus and minus, etc.? Let me know.... thanks.
audioraptured said:
I generally think I hear more detail, and depth, and a better soundstage at 3:00 A.M. than at 3:00 P.M. Go figure? (And its not the smoke from the incense stick I wrote about in another thread)
Not uncommon for music to sound better at 3:00am than 3:00pm due to less contamination of the electrical grid. For me sound quality changes around 11:00-11:30pm here in my area.

I must add that with the copper, the sound is a little bit "against" the wall, where as the silver kind of keeps it between the speakers and each instrument, like it seems "separate" from the others around them
"Generally" copper can sound more laid back or fuller sounding, but sometimes will sacrifice detail for this type of sound. Silver can sound more forward and leaner, and this can sometimes come across as showing more detail. Again generalizations, but not always typical for both types of cable.
audioraptured said:
DTB300 Happy New Year. Would you be interested in checking out a pair of interconnects in a blind test? I could mail a pair to you and you give us your opinion, and how they match up against others that you have heard? We compare price, performance, plus and minus, etc.? Let me know....
What cables do you want me to try out?

So you know, my tests are not blind testing, as I know where each cable is plugged into my Pre Amp. As I switch back and forth, I am listening to a particular instrument or passage, and then taking notes on what I hear or heard.

Don't know if it is the best way, but it works for me and my system.

DTB300 said:
What cables do you want me to try out?

So you know, my tests are not blind testing, as I know where each cable is plugged into my Pre Amp. As I switch back and forth, I am listening to a particular instrument or passage, and then taking notes on what I hear or heard.

Don't know if it is the best way, but it works for me and my system.

Hey Dan, perhaps my way will let you be more precise with your evaluation...first listen your 1 minute a piece of music of your preferance in cable a. Then swap for cable b, takes notes, then go back to cable a, listen again the same piece of music. Take notes your ears for 5 minuts, then start with cable b, then listen cable a, take notes, and go back to b. This is: a-b-a then b-a-b. Take notes and compare notes! You will be shock of your findings! happy listening,
Pura vida,
roberto said:
Hey Dan, perhaps my way will let you be more precise with your evaluation...first listen your 1 minute a piece of music of your preferance in cable a. Then swap for cable b, takes notes, then go back to cable a, listen again the same piece of music. Take notes your ears for 5 minuts, then start with cable b, then listen cable a, take notes, and go back to b. This is: a-b-a then b-a-b. Take notes and compare notes! You will be shock of your findings! happy listening,

I always do take notes, as trying to remember exactly what I heard on a certain passage, in my own words, it vital to my listening sessions.

Your suggestions are along the lines of what I do. My CD/SACD player has two ouputs, and my Pre Amp has a remote control, so I have the ability to switch from one interconnect to another without having to get up and switch out cables. I do a bunch of swapping from one cable to the other via the Pre Amp remote, listening to a certain passage (instrument), or an entire section of a song...just as you suggested.

Again, notes are a must for one to remember what you heard at one point, as my testing does involved extended listening with many different types of music. The music can be my best SACD, to some of the worst sounding redbooks just to see what the cable "might" be adding or subtracting from the source. BTW, I also found that listening over many days also helps in the final evaluation of components and cables - hence the note taking is invaluable to making a final decision for myself and my setup.

Thanks again...and Happy Holidays,
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DTB300 said:

I always do take notes, as trying to remember exactly what I heard on a certain passage, in my own words, it vital to my listening sessions.

Your suggestions are along the lines of what I do. My CD/SACD player has two ouputs, and my Pre Amp has a remote control, so I have the ability to switch from one interconnect to another without having to get up and switch out cables. I do a bunch of swapping from one cable to the other via the Pre Amp remote, listening to a certain passage (instrument), or an entire section of a song...just as you suggested.

Again, notes are a must for one to remember what you heard at one point, as my testing does involved extended listening with many different types of music. The music can be my best SACD, to some of the worst sounding redbooks just to see what the cable "might" be adding or subtracting from the source. BTW, I also found that listening over many days also helps in the final evaluation of components and cables - hence the note taking is invaluable to making a final decision for myself and my setup.

Thanks again...and Happy Holidays,
Dan, I just wanted to show everybody how do you do you cable´s evaluation and how care you are up too. As you know, our inmediate memory only last 30 seconds, and this is a well trained brain. So, what you do, is the right way. Notes are very important, and also time with your new component (cables, etc.) Sometimes it is better to live some time with the new part of the system, and listen it if you like it or not. Sometimes, we do the tests too fast, not allowing the time necessary for the right statement. As I said long time before, you are the man, Dan...
Happy listening my friend,
Pura vida,
roberto said:
Dan, I just wanted to show everybody how do you do you cable´s evaluation and how care you are up too. As you know, our inmediate memory only last 30 seconds, and this is a well trained brain.
Or in my case, as my wife so often suggests... about 3 seconds :D Har Har har..

Sometimes, we do the tests too fast, not allowing the time necessary for the right statement.
Yes how true, as I have learned the hard way, just wanting to make a purchase for that INSTANT gratification, instead of taking my time, being patient, and finding the right component or cable. Right now with the JPS Labs IC that I am using between my CD/SACD and Pre Amp, I really like how it sounds with my system and room. The midrange is one of the best that I have heard, and now that I have had it for a couple of weeks, the high end has smoothed right out. The changes that the cable went through is just as the owner of JPS stated it would do (we had a nice long talk on the phone when I was auditioning the cable and what I was hearing).

As I said long time before, you are the man, Dan...
*blush*....Thank you sir for the very kind comments...

Happy New Year...
decided to torture myself

DTB300 Good evening. Here's my idea. I would tape over the name with electrical tape so no one would know, or be influenced by the brand name or type, (silver, copper, insulation, etc.), . Use the process that you and Roberto described, and then see what your evaluation revealed. Naturally I would pay shipping to you and back, and you would have them for a few weeks, or till you were satisfied with what you heard. Its a one time only shot of course, because you are not volunteering this and there is no obligation on your part for my intrusion on your time.
This might even lead to a chart where members could add their opinions or findings or preferences, (and help members before they purchase an expensive or moderate pair), from their own personal choices from their selections over the years. The making of this chart or list or poll would include anyone who wanted to contribute and maybe lead to a swap of interconnects, sales, or discount prices from venders or dealers wanting input from members willing to write up these evaluations, (using a preset criteria).
This is just an idea expressed openly for anyone else tp pick up on. Or maybe avoided.
If you think its workable at this time, let me know, or, when your up for it; and thanks Dan for your previous efforts and all the interesting information you've supplied.