Dark Shadow and Ripple of Light; Ball Lightning or My own Ghost Tale?

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Mar 6, 2005
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Dark Shadow and Ripple of Light; Ball Lightning or My own Ghost Tale?

Last night sitting on the couch with my wife we experienced something very strange. I'll tell you what happened, you try to explain it, no attacking the messenger please.

It was the time of the evening not quite dark out but getting dimmer (twilight), about a half hour before the actual darkness of night. We keep our shades pulled all the way down for privacy in our urban single-family house setting. We had just gotten through eating dinner in front of the TV watching SCI-Fi channel’s Enterprise on VHS tape and were just a couple minutes into the “Dresden Files” TV program.

My wife and I continued our commercial break conversation; she was telling me about her second day of work after being unemployed for over a year. She is making a little less than before, but something is better than nothing. Anyway, it was approaching 7:00 PM (twilight) and I’m looking for a pause in her talking (all the married guys know what I’m talking about) so I could grab the remote and the TV guide. Suddenly but very subtlety she pauses, kind of looking over my shoulder like she sees something. I notice out of the corner of my eye a shadow moving high on the wall across the room, which is what she later told me she also saw. Just as I’m thinking how odd it is a shadow is moving counterclockwise IN the room, the dark turns to light and becomes a flash, a ripple of light so intense be both froze and jumped at the same time and then looked at each other in disbelief.

What was that, she said? You saw it too, I said to her?

She got up and went to the door pulling up the shade on the door as she said it might have been the front porch light going out. No the light is still on, it did not go out with a flash. We checked all the other lights, none had been on (see drawing for “L” or Lamp locations), and all were working fine.

I said it may have been the TV, I rewound the tape, sure enough on the TV program there were “flashes” as Dresden was looking at some dead bodies, but the flashes as played back were nowhere as intense as we both remembered. The conditions could not be repeated.

Maybe it was a street light my wife said, no I said the lights at either end of the block are just too far away and it really was not dark enough outside at the time for us to notice them or to even been on. Besides we can’t even get the city to replace the burnt out one at the end of the bock, been calling them for two years to get it fixed.

Our cat acted like nothing happened, so I'm not looking for a supernatural explanation. The two people who have died in our 1920's house have never been "active" in the 15 years we lived here.

Dark Shadow and Ripple of Light; Ball Lightning or My own Ghost Tale?

Some car trying out the new Xenon headlights outside in the street ?

Very strange.

First, lights coming in from W4, then leaving a shadow on L1 as the car drives from down left to up right ?
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This Is Really Wierd ~ Like The Quantum Vortex...


This is really scary. :eek:

So, after the flash, what did the ball of light do? Did it just disappear or was it sucked back into the twilight? And nothing was damaged in you home?
The REAL question is....

... how much BETTER does your system SOUND now?? :D
Isn't there a picture of you on the site somewhere wearing a 70's tie-died shirt? You didn't have a bad trip did you? JUST KIDDDING.......
I asked my wife to read this thread. I told her what I wrote, but it seems some details like the shadow she first saw was actually just behind my head and was not high up on the wall as when I saw it seconds later.

From Mrs kach22i/ George's wife:

Decided I would put in my two cents worth.

I cannot explain what happened in our home last night and I am pretty good at debunking freaky feeling things.

I was sitting on the couch and looked over at George and I thought I saw a shadowy mass moving behind him and then it went away, I chalked it up to an oddity, play of lights or something but George caught me looking at him funny, like I had seen a ghost. I didn't say anything. Next thing I know there is a flash and a shadowy looking thing near the door and then it vanished. It wasn't from the TV, it wasn't from car lights (our windows are high - not at car level or even close). I really thought that it was the front porch light blowing - you know how some lights burst really bright right before they blow out…but the front porch light was on. Honestly if I had to say where the shadow went…it went right through the door, a big wood door. I like stopped for a second and then out the door. It felt like a ribbon of light and shadow moving together in some type of dance. It wasn't a figure but more of a mass, moving up and down in a ribbon type of weave. I can only think of those rhythmic gymnasts that have those ribbons on a stick and they do gymnastics and make the ribbons flow in a beautiful dance, that was what it looked and felt like but more in smoky type of mass. It was fast, it was odd and it was bright and dark at the same time.

At first after I realized it wasn't a light bulb blowing I thought maybe something "blew up" like a house or a car accident, nothing. I remembered then that there was an email that I got from spaceweather.com about a green comet, but it was in Australia so that wasn't an answer either.

George was right, we have had people die in the house, actually 3. We are the second family to own the home. The couple that bought the house just after the turn of the century lived here for quite a few years. I am not sure what happened but I have been told that his wife committed suicide in the bathroom. The man lived on in the home for some time as a widower, then when he got sick his dead wife's sister came to live here to take care of him. They ended up falling in love and they got married. I heard that the died in the dining room. (Incidentally the dining room would have been over George's shoulder where I saw the first mass). She lived on for some time and then she got sick, her nephew came to live with her to take care of her…I heard she also died in the dining room. We bought the house from the nephew. BTW - this was how families did things in this neighborhood; family took care of family. Our elderly neighbor didn't die at home, but we were very close and after she died I thought she hung out here for a few weeks until I started to get over her death.

We do not have kids, but we both have pretty open minds. We have joked about ghosts in the house before because of things like the toilet paper roll suddenly and for no reason - unrolling all by itself. No kids, no pets, not even us nearby…we just suddenly hear it going "thwap thwap thwap" then we come upstairs and it is in a pile on the floor. We have lived here since 1992 and this is the first time both of us saw the same type of thing at the same time. We were not able to duplicate it with the TV, there were not cars on the road. It remains unexplained. Our old cat and this cat sometimes look at the ceiling and look like they are following something and then we look and see nothing…we have made comments that they see ghosts. We even used to hear the cat running up and down the stairs after she died…but that stopped after a few months. Even the neighbors dead cat used to visit us, crawled into bed with us for a few weeks too. Lambert (the neighbors dead cat) liked to crawl into the bottom part of the bed. I used to babysit Lambert for weeks on end while the family was overseas. So he liked us and probably felt comfortable here.

I have been in homes I know were haunted, and not in a good way. This thing last night feels odd but not ugly.

If any of you have been nearby when lightening strikes it kind of felt like that…made the hair on your head kind of stand up and your heart go a little faster but it wasn't creepy, just odd. If it continues I might have to get someone over to make it happy and go away!
For me this is a very cool discussion and occurance for you and your wife.

I had a friend who swore that his house was haunted - but he stated it was with nice ghosts, nothing evil or bad. I always laughed at him about that until one night when we came home to his house for a snack. We passed the cat sitting outside and his parents and siblings were all out of town - so no one else was home. When we came into his house (you entered the kitchen) as we passed through the kitchen and walked into the living room, a recliner/rocker was rocking back and forth, but was slowing down and then came to a stop.

Again, no one else was in the house, and the cat was sitting outside. He looks at me and says, see, this is what I was talking about. It was freaky, scary, but also facinating.

From the boatdesign thread, regarding flashing of lights stimulating ghostly activity.

I am familiar with the hovercraft company you went to--attended a SNAME section meeting there about a year ago. Interesting stuff, and now for the life of me I cannot remember the name.

As to flash photography or a flash from the TV getting a response from a ghost--ABSOLUTELY! Ghosts seem to use the power of electric and electronic devices to help them illuminate. I don't know if they have a consciousness about this or not, or whether it is merely the energy of an electronic device that is comingled with the energy of the ghost simply by chance that causes them to illuminate--I tend to think the latter.

And it does not take much--as an example, my sister-in-law took the attached photograph of me while on a tour at Christmastime. When we walk around town in our colonial costumes, we have to carry candle lanterns to light the way. In this photo, an energy ribbon is coming out of the lighted candle in my lantern.

Since you said it's an urban area, I'd suspect a police helicopter "wiped" your house with a searchlight. You wouldn't have necessarily heard anything if they were far away, but you would still easily see the effects of the beam. Most blinds I've seen tend to have a slight gap either on the edge or top or bottom of the window, which would be enough for a line of light to come through. The initial shadow could have been from the beam not on the house, but generrating enough ambient light outside to throw it at you, causing the shadow on the wall behind you. Of course it all depends on the angles of where you were standing, where the window is relative to that, and the projected shadow (up, down?)).

A squad car with a movable spotlight on the street could cause the same effect. Either of these would also explain why the shadow moved. Twilight causes weird optical effects in any case.
Twilight causes weird optical effects in any case.
It sure does.

The window shades are the old type, you pull them down and they are off-white yellowish.

The one window at the top of the stair landing (not shown on diagram) was up a couple of inches. At my eye level of five feet there is no longer a direct line of sight 1'-2" from the edge of the door, with your back to the wall going towards the middle of the front wall.

We will just have to put this one in the "X"-Files" for now.:cool:
Hi, Kach22i

May I join you from Japan? We have many ghosts also in our country. :)

Isn't there any possibility that your remote or the TV guide reflected the light from TV? I don't know the lighting condition at the time in your room, but the remote with many buttons or the magazin might be able to create a complexed shade of you and bright reflected light. And it could move according to your hand motion. Pls check it!


Dark Shadow and Ripple of Light; Ball Lightning or My own Ghost Tale?

.... so I could grab the remote and the TV guide.

Of course a light source from inside the house is the first suspect - that's what we saw.

If the light came from outside it would have to come through all or one of the windows. The lighting affect would be distinctly different and very noticeable.

The flashes on the TV program were strong and multiple, but several attempts to recreate the intensity levels and apparent source location were unsuccessful.