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Some time ago my aging ARC SP9 Mk II developed a noise in one channel when the gain control was rotated. After a couple of attempts at cleaning it, I replaced the ALPS potentiometer with another ALPS pot, and all was well.
Then a month ago on I read about the superiority of the TKD pot from Japan, and the supposedly even better stepped attenuator from DACT, a Danish company. I located both at The DACT was way too expensive at $190, so I bought the TKD for $68. There is a warning on PC's site that pots should be tested with test clips prior to being soldered in circuit as once they are soldered they cannot be taken back if found defective. I tested the pot with a meter and it was fine. I soldered it into the cicuit and immediately got a noise on one channel. PC refused to take it back, saying that TKD would not take it back as the pots are sensitive to overheating, hence the warning on their site. PC did offer me a discount on another. I asked about the DACT, and they did offer me a discount on it as well, so I bought it.
I soldered in the DACT today. It is not a one-for-one replacement physically for the ALPS/TKD, so I had to do some minor surgery (of the non-revertive kind) on the mounting plate of the ARC. I was immediately stunned by the difference ! The treble is a lot more clear, and the bass was more solid. Listening to the Proprius "Cantate Domino" on LP was absolutely astounding ! On that LP and on others I heard stuff I had never heard before; There were instrumental lines that I had never heard before. And this was without the pot even broken in; I expect that it will improve dramatically after 500 hours (you listening Dave ??
The ALPS pot is standard on a lot of even high end preamps. I very highly recommend that anyone with the itch to upgrade should first look at the preamp pot.
Then a month ago on I read about the superiority of the TKD pot from Japan, and the supposedly even better stepped attenuator from DACT, a Danish company. I located both at The DACT was way too expensive at $190, so I bought the TKD for $68. There is a warning on PC's site that pots should be tested with test clips prior to being soldered in circuit as once they are soldered they cannot be taken back if found defective. I tested the pot with a meter and it was fine. I soldered it into the cicuit and immediately got a noise on one channel. PC refused to take it back, saying that TKD would not take it back as the pots are sensitive to overheating, hence the warning on their site. PC did offer me a discount on another. I asked about the DACT, and they did offer me a discount on it as well, so I bought it.
I soldered in the DACT today. It is not a one-for-one replacement physically for the ALPS/TKD, so I had to do some minor surgery (of the non-revertive kind) on the mounting plate of the ARC. I was immediately stunned by the difference ! The treble is a lot more clear, and the bass was more solid. Listening to the Proprius "Cantate Domino" on LP was absolutely astounding ! On that LP and on others I heard stuff I had never heard before; There were instrumental lines that I had never heard before. And this was without the pot even broken in; I expect that it will improve dramatically after 500 hours (you listening Dave ??
The ALPS pot is standard on a lot of even high end preamps. I very highly recommend that anyone with the itch to upgrade should first look at the preamp pot.