I am considering whether to buy a power conditioner for my hi fi system, in particular a Thor PS10 which is a device for Australian conditions.
I am aware that power conditioning can (may) help sound quality if hooked up to electronics.
However is there any benefit hooking up my ML Aeon i's, can conditioning help with the performance of electrostatics.
I have my Aeons plugged in to the amp out of my Monster powerline conditioner. Also tried aftermarket powercords. Neither really made a huge difference, but I feel better that the speakers are surge protected. On the other hand my Summits are plugged into a Shunyata conditioner, itself plugged into a dedicated 20A circuit which also powers my Rowland amp. I use a Shunyata Python Helix from the wall to the Shunyata Hydra 2 and I use ESP Essence powercords on the Summits. Here I hear a difference, including better coherence between the cone woofers and the panel as well as a lower noise floor. I think the models with powered woofers benefit more from aftermarket cords and power conditioners. Just my opinion but do try it. My Descent sub clearly benefits from an aftermarket cord-it too is powered.