Companies that used to make high end gear

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They made a fantastic tuner/preamp, but I couldn't find pics anywhere.

Yes, I also had a very difficult time finding photos of their gear. After a bit of searching I did manage to find this one.


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It is something, but remember:

1: Many of these companies have not closed their doors - just changed focus. eg. JVC, Toshiba, et al.

2: Many of the companies that have "closed their doors" actually live on in another form - eg Threshold lives on as Pass Labs, Sonic Frontiers lives on, etc.

You're right, many of the companies that once made high end audio products are still around but are now focusing on other areas. And some, like you mentioned, do have audio products under a different brand.

I may be mistaken, but some companies that are no longer around in any form of audio are the following:

California Audio Labs
Kinergetics Research
Vector Research
You're right, many of the companies that once made high end audio products are still around but are now focusing on other areas. And some, like you mentioned, do have audio products under a different brand.

I may be mistaken, but some companies that are no longer around in any form of audio are the following:

California Audio Labs
Kinergetics Research
Vector Research

I think that's fairly right.

Out of interest, was Acurus Japanese? Or am I thinking Accuphase?
About Counterpoint

Counterpoint has been re-incarnated by Michael Elliott, the new company dealing with modding and upgrading Counterpoint products is AltaVista Audio. With rave reviews generating by the modded/upgraded products, a new company, Aria Audio emerged onto the high-end scene with production units derrived from the Counterpoint upgrade programs.

Counterpoint has been re-incarnated by Michael Elliott, the new company dealing with modding and upgrading Counterpoint products is AltaVista Audio. With rave reviews generating by the modded/upgraded products, a new company, Aria Audio emerged onto the high-end scene with production units derived from the Counterpoint upgrade programs.


Thanks Spike for that great bit of info.:) That's what's cool about about this site, there are a lot of people that share stuff we would otherwise never know about.

So even though the Counterpoint brand itself is no longer being manufactured, the chief designer/president for the company is still repairing them and is offering cool new upgrades for the line. That's news one can use, especially for those who either already own Counterpoint gear or are looking into buying some from places like Audiogon or eBay.

I also never knew of Aria and that its owner and designer is Michael Elliott. Too Cool!

Thanks again for sharing!

Aragon- Well known for their Palladium amps, and more recently their Stage One AV processor and multichannel amps, is no longer making products. Klipsch now owns Mondial Designs (maker of Aragon and Acurus), but the products are not on their website. Whether Klipsch will make the Aragon brand available at some future date is yet to be known.

But Aragon made some of the best amps back in the day, and the Stage One received some great reviews.





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Companies that use to make high end gear

STV: look at system #125..............
Here are a few amps that I lusted over when I was young and broke.


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Tony Federicci sold these in the 70"s as the story goes he would walk into a store and throw it on the floor to demonstrate how tough they were. A shop here in Mighigan showed me the tear in the carpet. He did not become a dealer.


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Here is the one that I really wanted. complete with oscilloscope tuning.


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Maybe you could mate it with one of their amps, for a cool retro system.


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