I think it is pretty funny to hear the vinyl afficianados predicting the demise of the c.d.. Sounds just like all those folks who were predicting the demise of vinyl back in the early 80's when c.d.s came out. C.D.s won't disappear in the near future any more than the l.p. did, because it is a long-term storage medium that can reproduce high fidelity audio.
Even if they stopped producing them today, the used market would go strong for many, many years. I have c.d.s that were purchased twenty years ago and there is no loss of fidelity or signs of deterioration (which is more than I can say for the vinyl I bought twenty years ago -- but I was never careful enough with my vinyl).
Having said all that, I still can't wait for the day when I can buy my music on a little flash drive that contains ultra-high resolution audio files that will last a lifetime and require a player with no moving parts. I think that is the only thing that is really going to bring about the demise of the c.d.