RJ, may of us have purchased speakers from Shawn. I know he is unrealistically far from you but, he comes with the highest recommendation as a dealer and a person.
Hi RJ maybe you saw my comment I’ve got the new Classe Delta model blocks. They are a wonderful match with the CLXs I am very very very happy. I am in Nordost Dealer so right now I’m using my demo Tyr 2 cables. And I have a Bricasti M12 and I’m just using with Roon through their networks option. So right now I’m just using the two channel system. I had neglected my home system for a while but I’m in the process of putting together a full 7.4.1 or 2 setup. As a dealer things really get switched out a lot. I have made a dedicated long-term decision on the CLX though. The only other permanent pieces are the Atmos height speakers I’m using the old Martin Logan voyages. They are amazing in walls.Attn: to the OP, Shaun
That's outstanding news mate!
I've just joined recently, although I've owned CLX's since Sept 2018... so should have joined earlier, was too busy enjoying those fine tunes!
I've had my own dealership network as well, so I totally get it and where you're coming from. I'm very glad to learn that end of the day, you found a way!
Throughout our dealership years, having put together various systems for music enthusiasts, we ended up with either Apogee's or ML's in our personal reference systems. Going from Infinity's, Genesis, Wilson's, Maggie's, Apogee's, Quads, and Audio Analysis, all I can say is the CLX's are in a class of their own. Their high tech design, high grade parts and impeccable craftsmanship, not only reproduce fine music but is also a work of Art!
Even my wifey asks me sometimes, "hey big dog how's the wife?" I'm thinking... you're the wife isn't it...oh! You mean the CLX's!Then she goes...
sometimes says that I care & love for those more than her...that's probably when she requires more jewellery! So I head out to the jewellers just as an insurance policy to avoid getting thrown into the dog house, and then she's happy as!
I've been with her for 21yrs now, and she's also gone through my pains and madness having gone through various types of speakers. In 2018 when I got the CLX's, she took one look at them and said, "oh my! What a work of Art." And so I played her favourite tunes from Simon & Garfunkel, Tracy Chapman and her all time favourite Norah Jones. She sat there and we listened till 3am, which she never does!
So all in all, yes I'm very very passionate about these stats, and it's an utter shame they've been discontinued. So like I said they're one of a kind, and there's no other speaker I would rather own. They also truly deserve the best in gear to drive them optimally and the room has to be setup properly for these to unleash their true potential. Any shortcomings on such parameters, will render their performance as mediocre, and only a handful of demos get this setup right.
Very delighted you managed to get a pair, and BTW, what amplifiers are you using? Source, cables & interconnects? And what are the room dimensions? It's always a learning curve for me, since setting these up in our new home in 2019, only last week I brought them out further away from the front wall (6.5ft) and wow! Now they perform on another dimension!
Cheers to the CLX Art, a true work of Art!
That is just unbelievable, and I'm not quite sure how I would have reacted if I saw something like that delivered to me. One thing for sure though... it would not have been good!Thank you all for following along during this decision on the CLXs. I really appreciate you all more than I can ever express on this forum. Hopefully if you have had the chance to discuss things with me on the phone, or even better yet, met me in person you can see how much I do care about each and everyone of you and about music being a way to make this world a better place. I truly feel getting these CLXs for my own personal speakers is a wonderful thing that I am so very thankful for. I know I mentioned the scare on delivery, here is another example of karma having my back as everything turned out perfectly intact. Here's the video if anyone wants to share in my momentary horror!!!
Yeah, I just saw the video... that's plain awful. I would have gone Rambo or Commando mode for that matter, look out!That is just unbelievable, and I'm not quite sure how I would have reacted if I saw something like that delivered to me. One thing for sure though... it would not have been good!
I did have a similar experience when I had a pair of REL S/812 subs delivered. I'll look to see if I can find some photos but basically one end of each box was half torn off and simultaneously, crushed. Fortunately, when I unboxed both subs, there wasn't a single nick, scratch or anything else. I'm not sure if I was just extremely lucky, OR if that is more of a tribute to the modern packaging companies...
I do plan to use a BF212 it’s not set up yet and it sounds great but this eventually is going to be 7.4.1 or 2 system. Once it’s all finished in the next month or so I will make sure I post some more pictures.Shawn, are you using a subwoofer with the CLX, or have you chosen not to? Curious. Congrats on getting that sweet system set up! Thanks for helping me get my BF 210 for a great price and being so nice on the phone. I really enjoyed talking to you.
Yeah, I just saw the video... that's plain awful. I would have gone Rambo or Commando mode for that matter, look out!
Very glad to see that they're in perfect condition amazing when you really think about it, especially that dam oil! What the heck was that!
Man, what a beautiful work of Art though the CLX's truly are. It's a very good thing they're properly packed, with cloth and plastic coverings, certainly helps!
Best, RJ
I am a Nordost dealer and I really believe that they are the perfect match for Martin Logan Speakers something about the speed of the cable and the speed of a panel just matches up really really well.Very nice Shaun mate!
Glad to hear the Classe amps work well. In fact, this reminds me of that very first experience with ML. Going back to 94/95 Sound Lab highend audio store in Naperville IL, had just taken delivery of ML's Aries and SL series speakers. The owner invited me over for a demo, and had set up two different systems.
One was the Aries driven with a full array of Classe gear, including the CD player I think it was also from Classe. Sounded brilliant!
The other system was slightly larger, comprising of the SL3 driven with Krell gear, sounded marvellous! From that point onwards, I knew straight away, that's my type of sound!
The Nordost Tyr2 are superb cables, I'm using the same! Started off with Heimdall II, Frey2 and onto Tyr2. I wasn't too pleased with the price justification though but after installing and extensive burn-in, it became quite apparent on performance and dimensionality.
Over here Nordost is really pricey, and the Odin Supreme reference series is ridiculous! More than a down payment on a house just for 1 meter of Odin! No thanks.
Tyr2 is good enough for me!
Cheers mate, and enjoy those fine tunes!
Now that deserves a mighty WOOF!!!