Bit slow to notice this - congrats! Just don't scar your face with it

Yup just let me know it's very easy for me to post. I just give it to the wife and say "post it!" - and she does the rest using the facilities at work.
I've just replaced some IC between my Air Tight passive and 211 monos with some Furutech cable with Cardas RCAs. Really quite amazed at the improvement in resolution and front to back imaging. Far more gain than I was expecting TBH but I think it must be the long length. Footech make some pretty dodgy stuff like record demags but hey - this stuff sounds nice.
I've been getting really p*ssed off with using Windows 7 on a laptop and a really long USB/coax to my DAC - timing issues that cause clicks and sonic degradation until I reboot. Which I have to do too often.
So last night I routed the HDMI out of the laptop onto the 46 inch LCD TV I have hanging inbetween the Apogees. The optical out from the telly then goes to the DAC. Using Windows Media Centre and and 802.11G wireless keyboard and mouse last night from 15 foot away I really enjoyed it - and no sonic hiccups.
So the next upgrade may be a media centre or Mac Mini since the wife keeps nicking my dedicated music system laptop anyway